Operation Backlog Completion 2024
Aug 312012

There’s definitely been an editing trend in my writing life lately. As my previous entry would indicate, I have been writing new material as well–mainly side projects, fanfiction, and other such things. But when it comes to my major works, I’ve been doing a lot of editing. Proofreading, going over things with beta readers, planning out new scenes and deciding how to implement them…it’s a very important process, and when done well, a very rewarding one, as well. One plot contradiction was caught almost by chance, found because my beta reader figured out a plot twist too far in advance, and one of the scenes that betrayed the secret actually didn’t fit my timeline.

In other news, Sacreya’s Legacy should be seeing a review some time soon. If you’re interested in seeing that, or if you’re just interested in zombies in general, check out Zombie Fiction. It should prove a handy resource for any fan of the undead.

Update: The review of Sacreya’s Legacy never materialized, and the entire Zombie Fiction site seems to have vanished.

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