Today I altered the blog’s layout just slightly. The biggest change, perhaps, is that I got rid of the Swagbucks Widget. Every time I tried to view the blog, it would load veeeery slooooowly…and my computer’s fan would start roaring…and the page would freeze temporarily… I suspected the widget might be to blame, and so I removed it. Now the problem is gone.
Is anyone very upset about this? If you’ve been stopping in to check my widget for swag codes, please, leave a comment, and I’ll think of something.
I’ve also switched around some of the buttons along the side (including one just showcasing the Collinsport Historical Society; have I mentioned my obsession with Dark Shadows lately?), altered the page tabs at the top, and switched my profile to a Google+ profile. I might make a few more changes, so now’s the time to tell me what you think!
“There’s too much stuff on the side!”
“Don’t ever change it!”
“Put the search box third from the top!”
“Advertise more Dark Shadows stuff!”
Or whatever else you may have in mind. Comment away!