Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Nov 012013

Well, it’s that time of year again, when people around the world sit down at their keyboards for hours as they try desperately to get out enough words to meet their goal for the day.


This will be the fifth time I’ve officially participated in National Novel Writing Month, although last year I didn’t actually use it to produce a novel, just assorted writings. This year is going to be somewhat the same, but instead of random bits of writing all tallied together toward the word count, I’m going to write a collection of horror stories. I use the term “collection” loosely. They probably won’t be connected, and I probably won’t consider them a part of a whole. But as far as NaNoWriMo is concerned, my 2013 50,000-word novel is a book of short stories, novellas, flash fiction–whatever they turn out to be. The only rule is that they all have to be horror, or be related to horror (for example, a story with spooky elements would count). I have a few ideas already, so I’ll be typing my first few words as soon as we hit November 1!

To everyone else who is participating this month, good luck! I hope we all reach the end together in triumph.

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