Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Oct 062014

Okay, I’ve had enough of talking about pseudo survival horror games that are just action games with some shallow shout-outs or a grim setting and a lot of blood. Let’s talk about the real survival horror games we have to look forward to! In particular, the 5 I’m looking forward to the most!

The obvious title missing from this list is The Evil Within… I want to believe in it, but I’ve seen too many Resident Evil 4 comparisons to trust it. We’ll know soon enough if it’s the true return to survival horror it’s billed as or not.


5. Resident Evil

Remastered Resident Evil

It may not be new, but for Resident Evil fans disappointed in the action-focused direction of the series, don’t forget that REmake is being remastered for a 2015 release on PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One. Once again, you can return to the world of survival horror in the eerie mansion where Resident Evil’s journey began.

We know this one will be survival horror, because it’s a game we’ve already played. With enhancements and beautiful graphics, this will be the ultimate version of a game already considered by many to be the best survival horror game of all time.

The only downside is that it won’t have a presence on the Wii U. Nintendo fans will have to settle for the Wii re-release from 2009.

Although Resident Evil promises to be great, it’s a known quantity. Let’s move on to some brand new survival horror games…

4. Routine

I haven’t talked about this one often. I mentioned it in my discussion of Alien, because of its attempt to mimic the 80s science fiction aesthetic.

The main reason I haven’t brought it up much is that I forgot about it for a while. It’s been Greenlit on Steam and its alpha test was a success. Routine is planned for the PC. Consoles are a possibility, but not in the developer’s current plans.

Set on the moon (because the isolation of space is terrifying), Routine puts you in an abandoned lunar base and challenges you to explore multiple paths in your attempt to survive. While it hasn’t specifically mentioned recursive unlocking, it should fit right in with the survival horror atmosphere Routine hopes to achieve.

You’ll also be armed, though using your unique scanner/weapon carries risk as well as reward–just what I like to hear!

It also includes permadeath, a trait shared by that game I will overcome someday…

3. Alien: Isolation

I’ve discussed my excitement for this game before, so it should come as no surprise to see it on this list. Alien: Isolation seeks to recreate the atmosphere of the original film in a true survival horror experience. It is set 15 years after the movie and stars Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley–who will make her own special appearance, as the cast of the film has also reunited for a couple of short DLC episodes, which is really cool.

Everything I’ve heard about this game has made me even more excited. Exploration is a key component, it balances out fight-or-flight by making combat dangerous (and it’s really not going to help you against the Alien), and it promises sheer terror as you’re stalked through the space station Sevastopol by an almost unstoppable foe. It even has fixed save points!

I’m really looking forward to the game, and even more because I know it’s almost here. Alien: Isolation releases for the PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One TOMORROW! My copy is pre-ordered. Is yours?

2. Fatal Frame V

Screenshot from Fatal Frame V

Although it’s been already released in Japan, I’m including Fatal Frame V on this list because of my hope that it will be localized in the future. I talked about this Wii U exclusive when it was first announced, and I haven’t given up on it. (Note, I originally called it The Black Haired Shrine Maiden, but the official live stream translated its title as Oracle of the Sodden Raven.)

On one hand, its chances look pretty good. On the other hand, I found myself involved in some confusion (or maybe irony) when my article appeared online.

Fan support for this title is pretty strong. Some people oppose its exclusivity, but come on. Fatal Frame and the Wii U belong together, and it could use great exclusive like this.

Finally, my #1 most-anticipated upcoming survival horror game is…

1. Silent Hills

The biggest surprise to come out of Gamescom this year was the revelation that the supposed indie horror game shown, P.T., was actually a playable teaser for the next Silent Hill game.

Silent Hills will be directed by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro, and people who have played P.T. say it’s terrifying (as I don’t have a PS4 yet, I haven’t gotten to try it myself).

I almost feel as though I shouldn’t have it on this list, much less in the top spot, because we know next to nothing about what Silent Hills will be like. Some fans have high hopes for it, while others are afraid Kojima will miss the point and create something that’s Silent Hill in name only.

But it’s Silent Hill! This is the franchise that got me into the entire survival horror genre! I want to believe in this game, and I can’t wait to learn more about it.

There you have it, my Top 5 Upcoming Survival Horror games. There are others that didn’t make it here, like Frictional Games’ Soma, and some upcoming horror games that just aren’t survival horror, like Asylum and H. P. Lovecraft’s The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (great genre + great developer + great story = I can’t wait!).

And of course, I’ll be working on my own horror game, which you can check out and offer suggestions if you like.

What do you think? Did I miss any of your personal picks for the top upcoming survival horror games? Do you have any thoughts on the games I’ve listed here? Let’s talk about survival horror.

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