Round 1 of GameFaqs’ “Best. Game. Ever.” contest has ended, and the winners have moved on to Round 2. Some of my picks won, some lost (poor Ace Attorney), but let’s take a look at the latest contenders!
Note: at the time I’m writing this, Division I and Division II already had their vote.
Division I
Chrono Trigger vs. Dragon Quest VIII – Two RPGs up against one another makes this a tough decision, but since I played and enjoyed Chrono Trigger, that’s where my vote went.
Mega Man X vs. Final Fantasy X – Final Fantasy X may not be a favorite of mine, but I still prefer it to Mega Man X. Therefore, I voted for Final Fantasy X.
(Also, can we talk about how Tidus’s voice actor is in Tales of Symphonia and sounds completely different?)
Super Smash Bros. Melee vs. Pokémon Gold/Silver – Despite my heartbreak that TWEWY didn’t make it out of the first round, I still love Pokémon Gold/Silver for being the games that got me into the series… and then brought me back into the series with their remakes. My vote went to Pokémon Gold/Silver.
Kingdom Hearts II vs. The Last of Us – I haven’t played either game yet, but I really love the Kingdom Hearts series so far. Acting under the assumption that KH2 won’t disappoint me, I voted for it.
(Yes, I’ll try The Last of Us someday, too.)
Division II
Final Fantasy VI vs. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door – It hurt, it really did. Paper Mario is one of my favorite series (not counting the abomination), and I had to vote against it twice!
Final Fantasy VI was a brilliant game and stands out to me for having some of my favorite gaming memories. As much as I love The Thousand-Year Door, Final Fantasy VI deserved to win.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic vs. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker – I suppose I should be pleased that so many games I love ended up on this list, but ouch. Wind Waker holds a special place in my heart as my first Zelda game (and still my favorite), but I voted for Knights of the Old Republic because it’s a great RPG and one of the best Star Wars games.
It also includes one of my favorite robots, HK-47.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U vs. Mass Effect – I’m sorry. I know people love it, but Smash Bros. just doesn’t do it for me (although Cloud’s inclusion intrigues me). I voted for the first Mass Effect, which I loved for its story and characters.
Halo: Combat Evolved vs. Final Fantasy VII – Halo: Combat Evolved was great. I love it and the whole Halo universe. But I love Final Fantasy VII more, and that’s what I voted for.
Division III
Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Pokémon Red/Blue – I have nothing against Mario, but I prefer the Pokémon gameplay more. They might not be my favorites in the series, but I’d like to see Pokémon Red/Blue win.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 vs. Uncharted 2 – It’s hard for me to have an opinion on this one. I promise I’ll give Uncharted 2 a try someday. But for now… I abstain.
Fallout 3 vs. Undertale – Oh man, have we got a tough fight ahead of us. Fallout 3 is an incredibly popular game, but one which I have no interest in. Undertale, on the other hand…
Vote for Undertale!
Final Fantasy VIII vs. Super Mario World – I’m impressed FFVIII made it this far. In this match-up, I’ll concede Super Mario World probably should win, but my personal tastes make me vote for Final Fantasy VIII.
Division IV
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim vs. GoldenEye 007 – I haven’t played either, but I suppose I’d like to see GoldenEye win, if only because it’s from Rare.
Metroid Prime vs. Half-Life 2 – I just didn’t enjoy Half-Life 2 when I tried to play it, with the possible exception of Ravenholm. While I haven’t played Metroid Prime yet either, I’ll tentatively place my hopes there.
Super Mario 64 vs. Final Fantasy Tactics – I haven’t played FF Tactics and I doubt I will. In contrast, Super Mario 64 was one of the games of my childhood, and I believe it had an important influence on video games. My vote goes to Super Mario 64.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess vs. Persona 4 – People tell me Persona 4 is an amazing game. Yet Twilight Princess (which is getting an HD remaster) was quite fun. It doesn’t stand out to me as much as Wind Waker, but I’ll stick with The Legend of Zelda for this vote.
Division V
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time vs. Suikoden II – I’ve heard so many good things about Suikoden II that I want it to win, but without having played it, I can’t bring myself to vote against it. Yet while I liked Ocarina, how can I vote against a JRPG that gets such high praise? …I abstain.
Okami vs. Final Fantasy IX – As much as I want to like Okami, there’s just something about it that made it hard for me to enjoy. Then there’s one of the first JRPGs I ever played, Final Fantasy IX. It might be controversial, but for me, Final Fantasy IX wins.
Donkey Kong Country 2 vs. Fire Emblem: Awakening – It pains me to see that neither of my choices from last time made it into the next round. I haven’t played either, and while people recommend Awakening all the time, I’m not sure how I feel about it. Once again, I abstain.
Banjo-Kazooie vs. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – Will the much-beloved SotN cast another one of my favorite games out of the running? With all due respect to Castlevania, I hope Banjo-Kazooie makes it into Round 3.
Division VI
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past vs. Final Fantasy IV – This is a troubling one for me: a game I’ve started but never been able to complete up against a game I’ve started and forgot to complete. Due to my love of JRPGs, I will vote for Final Fantasy IV and redouble my vow to actually finish it.
Metal Gear Solid V vs. Dark Souls – Two more games I’ve never played, and both are open world. (However, I have watched Dark Souls, thanks to Game Informer’s Super Replay.) Yikes. Once again, my love of RPGs (and fantasy) is the deciding factor. Dark Souls.
Super Metroid vs. Super Mario Galaxy – This is a tough one, and I’m still disappointed Dragon Age didn’t advance to this round. While I enjoyed Super Mario Galaxy, and I haven’t played Super Metroid, I nevertheless think Super Metroid should win.
Final Fantasy XII vs. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask – When these games came up in Round 1, I was forced to abstain. Here we are again, two games that have been highly recommended to me, of which I’ve played neither. Once again, I abstain.
Division VII
Grand Theft Auto V vs. Super Mario RPG – I’m sad Shenmue didn’t make it, and I doubt I need to repeat my feelings toward the GTA series. Super Mario RPG all the way. I promise to play it.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas vs. Chrono Cross – Yep, Chrono Cross. I promise to play it.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt vs. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty – If Resident Evil made it this far, I’d be conflicted. As it is… well, we’ve got an RPG in the running, from a series I’ve become quite fond of even if I haven’t made it to the games yet. I vote for Geralt, Ciri, and The Witcher 3.
Fallout: New Vegas vs. Resident Evil 4 – Urk. This feels like one of those match-ups where I should abstain, but I won’t. Although I’m no Fallout fan, I will not vote for the game that led Resident Evil down the path of action. I will cast my vote against Resident Evil 4 and hope for New Vegas’s success.
Division VIII
Metal Gear Solid vs. EarthBound – I don’t dislike MGS, for all the times I’ve voted against it so far, but the quirky cult classic RPG, wins for me. EarthBound all the way!
Shadow of the Colossus vs. Red Dead Redemption – I’ve played neither of these games, but a game with subtle storytelling about defeating giant monsters appeals to me more than an open world Wild West game (speaking of the Wild West, why didn’t any Wild Arms games make it on the list, eh?), so I’ll vote for Shadow of the Colossus.
(Also, I think it’s ridiculous that RDR beat Bayonetta 2, but that’s just me.)
Metal Gear Solid 3 vs. BioShock – Hmm… I haven’t played either game, but I might vote for Metal Gear Solid 3 (in part because BioShock beat Silent Hill 2 to get here). Maybe you can convince me otherwise in the comments.
StarCraft vs. Mass Effect 2 – I’m not a fan of RTS games, but I liked Mass Effect 2, so that’s what I’ll vote for.
Which are your picks for Round 2 of GameFaqs’ Best. Game. Ever. contest? Let me know in the comments. See you in Round 3!
“Some of my picks one, ”
Bad Samantha.
Well, your tumblr pals rescued Undertale from the doom it’d otherwise get from Round 1.
Thanks for catching my typo. 🙂
Undertale is beating Fallout 3 currently! o_o I really expected it to lose this round.