Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice received a new trailer celebrating the characters’ special abilities… and its Western release date!
Spirit of Justice will be available from the Nintendo eShop on September 8. That’s less than a month away!
Better yet, Capcom announced a Spirit of Justice demo, which you can download on August 25.
The announcement also gives information on Ema (a Forensics Investigator at last!), Trucy (the prime suspect in a new case), and Bonny de Famme, Trucy’s co-star who is called upon as a witness in her trial.
If you aren’t caught up on the Ace Attorney series, the Phoenix Wright Trilogy and Dual Destinies are on sale in the Nintendo eShop from now until August 18 for $16.49 and $11.99, respectively. Both are fantastic, although you should begin with the trilogy if you’re new to the series. If you’re unsure, I’ve written a guide on the order to play the Ace Attorney games.
You’ll still need to get Apollo Justice physically, but then you’ll be set for Spirit of Justice!
Based on the Japanese release, the full game takes up about 6,624 blocks, or 828 MB. Check your SD cards to make sure you have enough room.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is probably my most-anticipated game of the year. (The only reason it didn’t make my list is because it wasn’t confirmed for 2016 at the time.) August 25 and September 8 can’t come soon enough!
Will you play the demo for Spirit of Justice when it comes out?
…Duh. Of course I will.
What are you looking forward to the most?
From the demo? Music.
Ah yes, it should be nice to hear the new music! I enjoyed Dual Destinies’ music so much, I bought the soundtrack.
I also hope they have some demo-exclusive dialogue like the last demo.
Oh yeah, that was fun.
Indeed. xD I liked that.
I bet some of the early dialogue is also demo-exclusive. (Since, for example, we know Phoenis didn’t really go to Khura’in to sightsee.)