Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Sep 162016

yo-kai-watch-2Ready for more Yo-Kai Watch?

Yo-Kai Watch 2 launches on September 30, and the demo is available now from the Nintendo eShop.

(It seems to only be accessible from the Bony Spirits eShop page, though.)

The first game’s demo was an awful representation of the actual game. This demo is better, as long as you do one thing:

Don’t follow the doughnut!

This ludicrous instruction, which makes sense in the context of the demo, lets you experience the demo to its fullest. If you follow the doughnut, you’ll be done in about 5 minutes.

If you ignore the doughnut, you can do several things:

  • Explore the town, fight yo-kai, and catch bugs and fish. The fishing mini-game is no longer identical to bug catching, and it seems like it will be more fun.
  • Fight secret bosses. While exploring, you can find two yo-kai who will challenge you to boss fights. This also gives a better idea of how boss fights can be more challenging
  • Try Blasters. Blasters is a mini-game you can play alone or with local co-op. It’s similar to Terror Time, except you’re fighting oni on the field and collecting orbs to unlock stuff for the main game.

Fighting yo-kai also lets you try out the new battle features, such as the ability to “poke” enemy yo-kai. Poking seems to have a few different effects. I think it might also be tied to the improved befriending system.

Once you’re all done, return to the doughnut and finish the demo.

Yo-Kai Watch 2’s demo is fun as long as you take the time to explore. Have you played it? Are you looking forward to the full game?

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