Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Dec 022016

hatoful-boyfriend-king-plushie-addonThe second Hatoful Boyfriend Plush Project Kickstarter has almost met its goal, and two new add-ons are available!

If you (like me) backed the project too late to get the limited edition plushie of The King, you can now get your own King plush by adding $15 to your pledge.

Look at him. He needs a hug.

This is not the same as the limited edition plushie. The $15 add-on is for the version of the King you see through the majority of Holiday Star, while the limited edition version appears to be his true form shown at the end.

Next, they announced a special holiday add-on featuring Miru and Kaku, along with two hats. Yes, hats.

The Miru & Kaku bundle includes not only includes plushies of the two troublesome little… creatures… but also winter pom pom hats styled after Sakuya and Nageki. You can get them by adding $30 to your pledge, although unfortunately it doesn’t appear that Miru and Kaku are being offered alone.

If you’ve played Hatoful Boyfriend and you’re wondering who in the world these three characters are, they’re from the sequel, Holiday Star. Take a look at my Holiday Star review for more details.

Remember, in addition to Holiday Star characters, this project includes secondary Hatoful Boyfriend characters like Ryuuji, Azami, and Hitori.

Click for implied Hatoful Boyfriend & Holiday Star spoilers
After this project, I’ll have plushies of Kazuaki, Hitori, Kazuaki-kun, and the King. It doesn’t get much more confusing than that.

Check out the Kickstarter page to make your pledge and get some more bird plushies!

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