Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Mar 312017

Warning: it’s difficult to discuss Ardyn in any detail without implied spoilers, so if you haven’t finished Final Fantasy XV yet and plan to, you should avoid this article.

Ardyn Izunia stands out as one of the strongest points of Final Fantasy XV.

He’s entertaining, mysterious, and one of the most intriguing characters in the game.

In my review of Final Fantasy XV, I criticized the way certain aspects of Ardyn’s story were handled, especially since it didn’t allow the player time to build sympathy for him.

I hoped we might get an update or DLC to explain his past in more detail, show whether he really was the “savior” he claimed to be, and give us the true story of what happened to him.

Well, it just might happen after all.

Director Hajime Tabata previously made comments some fans took to mean he’d consider making an Ardyn DLC, but now it seems pretty definite that we’ll get something. In a recent interview, Tabata was asked, “Will you go deeper in the past of the character of Ardyn?”

He answered, “Yes, we do plan on doing something like that.”

This doesn’t necessarily mean it will be a full DLC episode. It could just be a clarifying cutscene or two. Nevertheless, it means we’ll definitely learn more about Ardyn.

Now, Episode Gladiolus hasn’t received the greatest reviews (and I’m not enough of a Gladio fangirl to play for his shirtless costume), so I’ll probably skip it. If Episode Prompto contributes more to the story (*cough* and features Verstael *cough), I might play that one.

But I can say one thing for sure: DLC set during Ardyn’s past would bring me back to Final Fantasy XV without a doubt.

Mar 292017

One of the many (and I mean many) games I intend to play someday is Planescape: Torment, which many people describe as one of the best RPGs ever.

(Its recent spiritual successor, Torment: Tides of Numenera, is also supposed to be excellent.)

Well, Planescape Torment: Enhanced Edition is due out on April 11!

According to the official website, Planescape Torment will be enhanced by Beamdog (the company behind the Enhanced Editions of Baldur’s Gate, Baldur’s Gate II, and Icewind Dale) together with Planescape designer Chris Avellone.

It will feature remastered music, a high-definition interface, and enhancements such as “tab highlighting, area zooming, combat log, quickloot, and more.” If you don’t like these features, you can turn the enhancements off.

Unless there are problems with Planescape Torment: Enhanced Edition, it sounds like this will be the best version to play! (I was just looking at the original the other day, too.)

Thoughts on Planescape? Will you pick up the Enhanced Edition?

Mar 272017

The newest update to Final Fantasy XV makes a few changes, especially to the controversial Chapter 13.

As I said in my review, I liked Chapter 13. It was actually one of my favorite parts of the game. Many players didn’t, however.

The new update enhances the Alterna, Holy, and Death spells, along with other small changes. This should reduce frustration in the chapter, since you’ll be able to better deal with enemies.

It also adds “Verse 2,” an alternate route through Chapter 13 where you play as Gladiolus.

As the trailer shows, Verse 2 follows Gladio during Chapter 13, and it looks as though new cutscenes will shed light on certain parts of the story… including a couple characters who definitely needed more time and clarification.

If you’re playing through Final Fantasy XV, you’ll be able to choose between Noctis and Gladio’s routes in Chapter 13. If you’ve already finished the game, you can go to the “Special” section of the main menu to play Verse 2 alone.

While I enjoyed Final Fantasy XV, I haven’t returned to it since I finished. Nevertheless, I’m curious about Chapter 13 Verse 2 if only for the new cutscenes. Chapter 13 was one of my favorite parts of Final Fantasy XV without the patch, but maybe I’ll return for this update to see what Gladio’s route is like.

Are you going to play the new Chapter 13 path?