Operation Backlog Completion 2025
May 072018

If you were following The Good Life’s Kickstarter progress, you’ve probably already seen that yes, it hit its goal!

It didn’t quite reach its stretch goal for the Nintendo Switch version, although it came very close.

Since they didn’t make the Switch stretch goal, the additional money earned above the target goal will go toward additional content for the game, such as seasonal events or more jobs. They will still try to make a Switch version at some point, although it might not be possible.

Meanwhile, during the final days of the campaign, they released videos showing gameplay for when you’re in cat/dog mode, which wasn’t included in the demo.

Here is The Good Life’s gameplay as a cat:

And here is gameplay as a dog:

As you can see, it appears as though being an animal will not hinder your use of the camera in any way… somehow. It also looks like the cat’s strength will be your ability to climb to high places, while the dog’s strength will be your ability to detect scents.

To see that in more detail there is also a longer gameplay video showing how you can track scents as a dog to complete certain quests.

I shared my thoughts on The Good Life’s demo last week, and I’m happy it met its Kickstarter goal. Here’s hoping The Good Life will be a fantastic experience.

Are you looking forward to The Good Life?

  2 Responses to “The Good Life’s Kickstarter Success (and Cat/Dog Gameplay)”

  1. Can’t wait, looks like quirky goodness 🙂

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