Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jun 142018

Table of Contents

Devolver Digital
Square Enix
Limited Run Games
PC Gaming
Nintendo Treehouse & Miscellaneous Announcements

Normally, I fill this section with things that caught my eye during Nintendo Treehouse, as well as anything else from E3 itself. This year, however… it felt like there wasn’t quite as much.

But hey, maybe I missed something wonderful. Here are the highlights…

Nintendo Treehouse

Nintendo focused a lot on Super Smash Bros., but on the second day, they showed off some of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 “Battle Challenge Mode,” which includes Shulk and Fiora as Blades. That’s pretty cool.

It also has some special challenges, such as the ability to play as Jin for that scene where he killed a ship full of people. Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.

The expansion also looks incredible. You can play as both Drivers and Blades, it’s a standalone prequel to the main game, and it sounds like it’s going to be pretty lengthy.

Meanwhile, Super Mario Party looks great. Even though I’m not much of a multiplayer person, I might get it. I’m so happy that it looks like a traditional Mario Party game again. NO CAR!

Hollow Knight looks pretty fun, too.

Meanwhile, I’ve become more and more excited for Octopath Traveler. It’s going to be a full-length RPG, with an estimated 50-60 hours for the main story and 80-100 if you do side quests as well.

Miscellaneous Games

There’s a cool E3 trailer for Yakuza Kiwami 2, so I really need to get back to playing 0 and catch up.

At first, I was conflicted over the Resident Evil 2 remake. They’ve definitely committed to a dark atmosphere (and it’s so bloody, geez) and focusing on survival over action, but the trailers didn’t convince me.

However, during the E3 gameplay demonstrations, I saw locked doors, keys, and puzzles as well! Right now, I feel optimistic.

What were your favorite games from E3? Let me know in the comments.

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