Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Nov 072018

That’s right, we’re talking about the Final Fantasy VII Remake and its relationship to the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII again.

The last time we talked about this was in February 2017, when Nomura said there would be no continuity between the Compilation and the new remake.

However, it left open the possibility that Compilation material still could be incorporated into the remake.

As reported by Gematsu, Nomura was answering fan questions on October 30 when one fan said they want to play Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII again.

(Before Crisis was a Japan-exclusive prequel for mobile phones that followed the Turks. As of March 31, it can no longer be played.)

Nomura responded by addressing the matter of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, which he will be focusing on after Kingdom Hearts III’s release, and said:

All of us old-timers are considering various developments in regards to what accompanies the remake. Like if we can manage to do something about the Compilation titles too. But for the time being, please wait for VII’s turn to come.”

This caused some fury among fans, who seem to think Nomura is implying they’ll spend time focusing on the Compilation instead of the main game.

Personally, I don’t think that’s what this is. I think he wanted to respond to the fan in a way that didn’t rule out the possibility of the Compilation eventually being remade, so he said they’re considering it.

The “please wait for VII’s turn to come” sounds like they’re going to focus on the Final Fantasy VII Remake before any side material.

It also sounds like the Compilation is still completely separate, rather than being incorporated into Final Fantasy VII’s story. (I’m still not sure why the remake can’t be released as a single title.) Will the Compilation be remade? Maybe eventually.

But it doesn’t sound like it’s one of Square Enix’s currently plans.

What do you think about the Final Fantasy VII Remake, the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, and Nomura’s answer to the question?

(Also, Happy N7 Day! When will we get some Mass Effect news?)

  10 Responses to “Chances of a Final Fantasy VII Compilation Remake”

  1. I’m expecting it to be a disaster but I’m a bit of a pessimist. It would be cool to get a HD re-release of Crisis Core on PC.

    • I never had a chance to play Crisis Core, since I didn’t have a PSP. It would be interesting to finally get Before Crisis localized, too. (And Dirge of Cerberus deserves a second chance. XD) But focusing on the main game should be the priority.

      • Crisis Core was really enjoyable when it first came out. Last time I tried it though it didn’t seem so hot anymore, it didn’t seem to have aged well. It would be nice to see Before Crisis but the chances seem slim. 🙁

        Did you like Dirge of Cerberus?

        It probably is still their priority, despite how weirdly so many people interpreted his remark. The game already seems to have been through some of the ol’ development hell though, so it’s hard to imagine the end product being as high quality as it has the potential to be.

        • I wish Crisis Core was on PSN, but I guess there’s some sort of music licensing issues or something?

          I never played Dirge of Cerberus myself, but my mom did and I watched her play. XD It didn’t seem like a great game, but I don’t think it deserves quite as much hate as it sometimes gets. It was an interesting idea.

          Yeah, I think this is a case where Nomura just didn’t want to rule out the possibility. If that fan hadn’t specifically asked, I doubt we’d be hearing anything about the Compilation for a long time.

          • It seems sort of weird that it isn’t, huh? They’ve put so many old games across. Maybe it’s just a matter of time. That would be really unfortunate if it was a licensing thing. :/

            Haha, what a cool mum. I wish mine played video games. A friend of mine has Dirge of Cerberus, it seems okay.

            Yeah, exactly! Why are people losing it.

            • I’ve heard it has something to do with the music used in Crisis Core that prevents it from being released digitally, but I’m not sure if there’s any evidence for that or if it’s just a theory that started going around.

              My mom doesn’t play video games much anymore (only a few mobile games now), but she was a huge JRPG fan when I was a kid. Final Fantasy VII is her favorite game of all time, and she loved Vincent, so she played Dirge of Cerberus even though she otherwise had no interest in shooters. XD

              Well, when Square Enix said they’d release Kingdom Hearts 3, the Final Fantasy VII Remake, and their Marvel game all within the next three years, people freaked out that we’d have to wait three years for KH3, so I’m not too surprised they overreacted to this too.

              • Maybe if that song at the end wasn’t totally theirs then the theory could have some merit.

                That’s a shame, it’s cool that she used to like JRPGs so much before though. My mum hates video games. When we were little the clicking sound the joysticks used to make would drive her up the wall. My favourite game as a little kid was Bubble Bobble on the Amiga which has just one bit of music, she hated it so much. xD

                Haha oh boy. Sadly the Final Fantasy fanbase isn’t the best on the whole.

                • I’m not sure why they wouldn’t just put new music in that part or something, though. :/

                  Oh dear. XDDD Yeah, my parents are the main reason I got into video games. They both used to play, although my dad quit sooner (he didn’t like the transition from 2D to 3D, so that’s around when he stopped).

                  Yeah. XD

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