Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jan 252023

NISA has announced a special live stream to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Nippon Ichi Software.

It will be held on January 30 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET and feature new game announcements and merchandise.

Since NISA is holding the live stream, that should mean any new games announced will be localized.

But while NISA handles localization for a lot of series I’m interested in, I don’t think we’ll see news about games like Trails and Ys here. It’s NISA’s stream, but it’s for NIS’s anniversary, so it’ll probably be focused on NIS-developed titles.

With that in mind, I think Disgaea 7 localization has the best chance of being announced. It’s due out tomorrow in Japan, so an event like this a few days later feels like prime time to reveal it. I’ve never gotten into the Disgaea series, but I know it has a lot of fans.

What else could be announced?

It’s probably too soon for another Yomawari title to be announced, although I’d love to see it. Maybe I can hold out hope for some of those visual novels NIS has never localized, like that Jack the Ripper murder mystery I’ve been wishing for ever since it was announced. They’ve also been releasing those NIS Classics collections quickly enough that another one sounds plausible.

Maybe they’ve got some surprising new announcements to be revealed, too. I’ll certainly be tuned in to find out!

What do you hope or expect to see from the NIS 30th anniversary live stream?

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