Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jun 112023

Table of Contents

Not-E3 2023 Schedule
Guerrilla Collective 2023
Summer Game Fest 2023 Showcase
Devolver Direct: The Return of Volvy
Wholesome Direct 2023
Future Games Show
Xbox Games Showcase
PC Gaming Show
Ubisoft Forward
Capcom Showcase
Grasshopper Direct
RGG Summit

Xbox Games Showcase

Since two certain RPGs were leaked ahead of the Xbox Games Showcase, I went into it feeling confident that we’d see some interesting news, at least. The showcase started with the new Fable game, which I’m interested in (although I felt the trailer had an odd tone for the Fable series, but then again, I haven’t played any of them yet).

They showed an interesting-enough trailer for a game called South of Midnight, although it didn’t show much about what the game is like, and then a new Star Wars game called Star Wars Outlaws. More details about Outlaws will be shown at Ubisoft’s showcase tomorrow.

They announced a new co-op game from Thunder Lotus, the developer of Spiritfarer. Called 33 Immortals, it’s a raid-based game for 33 players that doesn’t seem like my sort of thing, but it did look pretty.

After Payday 3, the leaked trailer for Persona 3 Reload was shown! I avoided watching the leaked trailer, because I wanted to see it for the first time when it was officially shown. It looks pretty good. (Now, do I play Persona 3 Portable in the meantime since it seems like the Persona 3 remake might not include P3P’s unique content…?)

Avowed also looks good, and it was interesting to see Sea of Thieves get a crossover with Monkey Island.

Then came Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and Hellblade 2, followed by…

Like a Dragon 8? Maybe?? Maybe not??? It’s a pretty funny trailer, but I’m still not sure if Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is the official title for Like a Dragon 8 or if it’s a new game set in between.

Update: It has since been confirmed to be 8.

They showed more Fallout 76 stuff, and then a trailer for a new Capcom game called Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

I can’t help but be slightly disappointed, since I thought it was a new Onimusha game when the trailer started, but it looks pretty cool. (There’s a good chance it’s part of the “and more” planned for Capcom’s own showcase tomorrow.)

After that, I got a bit of a reprieve to think about all the exciting games I’d just seen, while they showed Forza Motorsport, a new Elder Scrolls Online expansion, and Overwatch 2.

Then it was time for the other leaked trailer, Persona 5 Tactica. This strategy RPG Persona 5 spin-off looks like it could be a lot of fun, so I’ll probably play it.

They showed a trailer for Starfield, a new game from Dontnod called Jusant, a game called Still Wakes the Deep that I’d be more interested in if I liked any games from the developer, and an action RPG social sim called Dungeons of Hinterberg that could be interesting.

Then they devoted a good portion of time to the new Cyberbunk expansion, showed Cities Skylines 2, and revealed…

Project Re Fantasy???? It exists, it’s actually coming out next year, and it somehow avoided being leaked alongside the two Persona games. Officially titled Metaphor: ReFantazio, it looks extremely cool, and I can’t wait!

They finished with a game called Towerborne and then one called Clockwork Revolution that has a cool steampunk aesthetic, before going into the Starfield Direct.

This was an incredible showcase! Even if the excitement was muted slightly by the Persona 3 remake and Persona 5 Tactica being leaked ahead of time (can you imagine the levels of hype if they were surprises?), there were so many great-looking games in this showcase! I’m excited for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Metaphor: ReFantazio in particular, and I can’t wait to see more.

What games stood out to you the most from Xbox’s showcase?

  7 Responses to “Not-E3 2023 Part 4: Xbox Game Showcase”

  1. […] Fest 2023 Showcase Devolver Direct: The Return of Volvy Wholesome Direct 2023 Future Games Show Xbox Game Showcase PC Gaming Show Ubisoft Forward Capcom Showcase Grasshopper Direct RGG […]

  2. ” I’m still not sure if Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is the official title for Like a Dragon 8 or if it’s a new game set in between.”

    The infinity symbol (which is an 8 on its side) is part of the logo. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

    So I take it you skipped the Starfield Direct. :p

    • Yeah, I could see the link with the infinity symbol to the 8, but I wasn’t sure if that meant it was 8 or just a side game connected to 8. (For example, Like a Dragon Gaiden’s Japanese title has a 7 in it, because it’s considered connected to 7.) They’ve since made it clear that it is 8, though.

      I kinda had the Starfield Direct playing in the background while I worked on other things, but I’m not interested enough in Starfield to devote attention to it.

  3. Man, Atlus really dropped the ball leaking the Persona 3 trailer in advance hahaha

    The Sea of Thieves crossover with Monkey Island looks super fun and nostalgic… not enough for me to actually play Sea of Thieves, but I appreciate the amount of work they’re putting into the crossover! Definitely looks like a labor of love.

    Still, I managed to avoid leaks and there’s a lot of cool games at this one! Metaphor: Re Fantasia looks quite interesting, out of all of those shown! I know it’s an xbox showcase but I hope some of these end up being cross-platform…

    • Yeah, if the trailer for Persona 3 and P5T hadn’t been known already, it would have been a huge reveal.

      I’m just so excited Re Fantasy actually exists!

      There’s a good chance a majority of these will be multiplatform and have just been announced for Xbox first because they were revealed at an Xbox showcase. (Something similar happened with the P3P and P4G ports.)

  4. […] Fest 2023 Showcase Devolver Direct: The Return of Volvy Wholesome Direct 2023 Future Games Show Xbox Game Showcase PC Gaming Show Ubisoft Forward Capcom Showcase Grasshopper Direct RGG […]

  5. […] at last year’s Xbox Showcase, it was officially unveiled as Metaphor: ReFantazio, and the game that was once a mystery became […]

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