Operation Backlog Completion 2024
Mar 202024

One of the otome games announced during February’s All Aksys showcase that I’ve been looking forward to is Radiant Tale -Fanfare!-, the fandisc for Radiant Tale.

If you weren’t here for our past fandisc discussions, you can think of it as a game-length epilogue or a sort-of sequel focused more on fluff than plot.

I had a lot of fun with Radiant Tale, a lighthearted romance about a circus troupe bringing happiness in a fantasy world, and I finished it hoping the fandisc would be localized.

Now it has a release date: June 27.

Aksys announced the release date yesterday, while also opening preorders. Since I’d nearly preordered Tengoku Struggle and Tokyo Xanadu the night before, only to decide to wait until morning, that was incredible timing. Preordering them all together let me get free shipping!

I’m looking forward to Radiant Tale -Fanfare!- and I hope I’ll be reasonably caught up on my backlog by then (hah).

In other otome news, Idea Factory revealed the opening movie and limited edition for the Cupid Parasite fandisc, which has no release date yet beyond 2024.

Unrelated to both of those, the upcoming otome game Him, the Smile & Bloom will launch with both Japanese and English options. I wasn’t familiar with this one before, but it looks cute… although that English title has me waiting to see more about the translation before I go for it.

It’s a good time to be an otome fan!

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