Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Apr 222024

Every now and then I see a game that looks like exactly the sort of weird I appreciate, and that’s how I felt the other day when I saw the announcement of Zombie Police: Christmas Dancing With Police Zombies.

Zombie Police is a mystery adventure game from Japanese developers ALTERCIWS and Lobstudio, and it’s due out on Steam this summer in English, Japanese, and Chinese.

According to its Steam page, it stars a rookie detective who teams up with a zombie detective to investigate cases.

You’ll gather evidence and information about the case and use it to make deductions about the culprit. Different deductions will lead to different endings, so it sounds like you’ll be able to proceed even with an incorrect deduction if you can make a logical argument.

The announcement trailer, while not exactly informative, is cute.

I don’t know why it’s called “Christmas Dancing With Police Zombies.” I don’t really have a good grasp on what the game is about.

But a human-zombie detective duo mystery game sounds like the sort of thing I don’t want to miss. Heck, one of my first ever publications was about a zombie detective! (Sadly, the site my zombie detective story was published on no longer seems to load properly… maybe it’s time I finally revive it as an ebook like I keep saying I will.)

Anyway, I’ll be keeping my eye on Zombie Police: Christmas Dancing With Police Zombies. What do you think from the few details revealed so far?

  2 Responses to “Zombie Police: Christmas Dancing With Police Zombies Announced for This Summer”

  1. Yes this title feels like it’s so totally you 😂

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