Operation Backlog Completion 2025
May 152024

I’ve been looking forward to the Switch port of Tokyo Xanadu eX+ ever since it was announced that it would be coming west this summer.

See, Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is a game I was trying to play but never stuck with, and I think I’d be much more inclined to stick with it if I had it on the Switch instead of PC.

Something about this style of JRPG just feels better to me when I play it on consoles, and I love being able to just pick up the Switch to play whenever I feel like it.

The Switch port is also supposed to have an improved localization, so that’s another reason to potentially wait.

I don’t think we’ve seen any direct comparisons of the localizations yet, but the lead editor responded to a question about it, saying that they focused on consistency, lore accuracy, and characterization.

After previously being announced for June, it has now been confirmed for July 25, with a new release date announcement trailer. I don’t mind the delay, since that will give me more time to play my other in-progress games.

I’m looking forward to restarting Tokyo Xanadu eX+ when it comes to the Switch in July. In the meantime, I’ve got plenty of other games to play (including other Falcom games). Are you planning to play Tokyo Xanadu?

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