Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jun 042018

Back in February, at Yukicon, there was an important announcement I missed entirely.

There’s going to be a Hatoful Boyfriend 3!

Yes, Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star are getting another sequel. Moa wrote a blog post in April explaining what the new game will be like.

Hatoful Boyfriend: MIRROR takes place in the alternate universe featured in some of the Holiday Star side stories, a mirror universe where certain important characters are still alive.

Click for Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star spoilers
This includes at least Nageki and Kazuaki-kun.

Mirror will be divided into episodes like Holiday Star was. (My guess is that we won’t be dating birds like in the original Hatoful Boyfriend, but follow a set story in in BBL and Holiday Star.) It will be a paid game, although she might make some sort of short free version, and it is planned for PC and Mac.

The Hatoful Boyfriend web series has been cancelled, but its story will be told in MIRROR.

Finally, the Japanese version is planned for this summer/fall, and she’ll begin work on the English version afterwards.

I’m really excited for this. I loved both Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star, and I’m looking forward to what MIRROR will bring. I believe there’s also a manga set in the alternate universe. Maybe it’s about time I read it, as we await the third game.

Jul 212017

You might think that having four plushies of Hatoful Boyfriend characters would be enough. However, you would be mistaken.

My shipment from the second Hatoful Boyfriend plush project Kickstarter has arrived, and now I have seven more Hatoful Boyfriend plushies to add to my collection:

  • Rabu
  • Azami Koshiba
  • Tohri Nishikikouji
  • Ryuuji Kawara
  • The King
  • Kazuaki-kun
  • Hitori Uzune

Several of these characters can’t be explained properly without spoilers, so I’ll leave it at that.

Finding space for seven more bird plushies wasn’t easy, but now they’re all nicely arranged with the others. Getting a plushie of Ryuuji made me feel a little guilty that I never got Ryouta… but at least Shuu can be happy.

And maybe someday I’ll complete my collection by getting the birds I skipped over. Who knows? For now, though, I’m delighted with my eleven Hatoful plushies.

Dec 022016

hatoful-boyfriend-king-plushie-addonThe second Hatoful Boyfriend Plush Project Kickstarter has almost met its goal, and two new add-ons are available!

If you (like me) backed the project too late to get the limited edition plushie of The King, you can now get your own King plush by adding $15 to your pledge.

Look at him. He needs a hug.

This is not the same as the limited edition plushie. The $15 add-on is for the version of the King you see through the majority of Holiday Star, while the limited edition version appears to be his true form shown at the end.

Next, they announced a special holiday add-on featuring Miru and Kaku, along with two hats. Yes, hats.

The Miru & Kaku bundle includes not only includes plushies of the two troublesome little… creatures… but also winter pom pom hats styled after Sakuya and Nageki. You can get them by adding $30 to your pledge, although unfortunately it doesn’t appear that Miru and Kaku are being offered alone.

If you’ve played Hatoful Boyfriend and you’re wondering who in the world these three characters are, they’re from the sequel, Holiday Star. Take a look at my Holiday Star review for more details.

Remember, in addition to Holiday Star characters, this project includes secondary Hatoful Boyfriend characters like Ryuuji, Azami, and Hitori.

Click for implied Hatoful Boyfriend & Holiday Star spoilers
After this project, I’ll have plushies of Kazuaki, Hitori, Kazuaki-kun, and the King. It doesn’t get much more confusing than that.

Check out the Kickstarter page to make your pledge and get some more bird plushies!