Operation Backlog Completion 2025
May 282018

I know, this post is late. The news came out on the weekend that Killer7 is coming to Steam!

We discussed Killer7 a couple months ago, when Grasshopper Manufacture indicated interest in remastering Killer7 and Flower, Sun, and Rain.

NIS America is bringing Killer7 to Steam this fall. Nothing has been said about console versions yet.

Some fans are concerned because of some trouble lately with NIS America’s PC ports, but they also published The 25th Ward without any problems that I know of.

Now, I did watch Game Informer play through Killer7 in their most recent Super Replay, but I really can’t say I have a solid grasp of the plot. Playing the Steam remaster for myself when it comes out might be just what I need!

Are you interested in the Killer7 remaster? Do you think this means a Flower, Sun, and Rain announcement is on the way next? Let me know in the comments.

Mar 192018

Last week, I reviewed The Silver Case and asked, “Do I seek out a copy of Flower, Sun, and Rain on the DS, or do I wait in the hopes that it will be the next to be remastered/remade?”


Over the weekend, there was a special Grasshopper Manufacture event, and reports have surfaced that they’re interested in remastering Flower, Sun, and Rain as well as Killer7.

There has been no official announcement, but people who were at the event confirmed it.

It sounds as though the Killer7 remaster is planned first, with Flower, Sun, & Rain to follow in the future. According to the reports, the plans are vague so far but indicate remasters within the next 10 years.

(Hopefully we won’t have to wait quite that long.)

Following The Silver Case and The 25th Ward, it makes sense that Grasshopper Manufacture and Suda51 would want to revisit other related games. It will be interesting to see if any announcements come from this in the near future.

Are you interested in playing either of these?