Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Dec 182023

It’s been 5 years since the Spyro Reignited Trilogy brought the first three Spyro games back, and 15 years since the last new game in the series.

(We are rapidly approaching 20 years since the last Spyro game I played, since I never tried the Legend of Spyro games, and I don’t quite know how to feel about that.)

Despite hopes of a new Spyro game announcement for the 25th anniversary, the anniversary came and went without so much as a tease.

Spyro was added to Crash Team Rumble recently, however, which has led some fans to hope that the new assets could hint at an upcoming new Spyro game.

Now we have another shred of hope to add more fuel to the fire, as Toys for Bob, the developer of the Skylanders games and the Reignited Trilogy, shared a tweet about working with Unreal Engine 5 that has blurred screens in the background of the picture. A blurred screen doesn’t say much, but one of the screens shows enough purple to get fans whispering about Spyro and Skylanders.

Personally, I don’t quite see it yet. It does look like the right shade of purple, but nothing else in that image really screams “Spyro” at me. Nevertheless, it at least seems like they’re hinting at something in development… and I’d love for it to be a new Spyro game.

I know, I know, I should play the Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Crash Bandicoot 4 while waiting. I can’t really talk about anticipation for a new one when I’m still twiddling my thumbs about those.

Anyway, what do you think of the latest potential hints to a new Spyro game? Is Spyro 4 (or whatever they’d end up titling it) in development, or are we merely grasping at straws?

Sep 012023

We are quickly approaching the 25th anniversary of the Spyro series.

That’s right, the original Spyro the Dragon launched on September 9, 1998.

Now, I haven’t talked about the Spyro series too much here, but that’s because I played the original trilogy long before I started blogging, and the later games after the series switched developers never quite clicked with me.

I picked up the remastered collection, but haven’t played it yet due to having played the originals.

But those original three were among my favorites. I loved those games.

With the 25th anniversary fast approaching, they announced that the remastered trilogy has sold 10 million copies worldwide, a nice milestone to cross. The Spyro social media accounts also changed their profile and header pictures to reflect the 25th anniversary.

All in all, it looks like they’re serious about celebrating the 25th anniversary, so I have my fingers crossed for a new Spyro game announcement! Crash Bandicoot got a new game just a few years ago (which I still need to play), so why not Spyro?

Despite falling away from the series after the original trilogy, I’d definitely be willing to give a brand-new Spyro game a chance. Do you think they’ll announce a new game for the anniversary?

Sep 032018

So aside from download concerns, reception to the Spyro Reignited Trilogy has been pretty positive. When it was first announced, I saw lots of praise for the level design and Spyro’s appearance in particular.

Toys For Bob had seemingly accomplished the impressive feat of creating a remake that looks the way we remember the originals.

But the reception to other redesigned characters hasn’t been as good. The star of this blog post is Sheila.

I didn’t pay too much attention to the early redesigns. I don’t remember what most of the common enemies looked like, and while the dragons from the original game have definitely become more fancy, they still look in line with the original.

Sheila, though… looks like a completely different character.

After seeing Sheila’s redesign, I started looking at some of the others. And you know, most of them are fine. They updated Ripto and now he looks great, I think Moneybags also looks fantastic, they’ve definitely made changes to Hunter but he’s still recognizably the same character, and while there’s been a lot of fuss over Elora, I think a few adjustments are all she needs. I’m not crazy about Zoe’s redesign, but it’s not terrible.

(If I missed any major ones, let me know.)

So what happened to Sheila?

My guess is that since Sheila’s original design was so plain to start with, they couldn’t just spruce her up like they could with someone like Moneybags… and so what we ended up with was way different. Of course, we haven’t seen Sgt. Byrd and the others yet, so who knows what they’ll look like.

The good news is that Toys For Bob seems to be taking fan feedback into account and making adjustments. Personally, I hope Sheila’s redesign sees a redesign.

How do you feel about the redesigned characters in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy? Are there any you particularly like or dislike?