Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Dec 082021

When we discussed Tales of Luminaria back in August, I said, “I really hope this isn’t a sign that Crestoria will be shut down like the others.”

Sadly, it was.

Tales of Crestoria will be shut down on February 6. This isn’t just a shutdown in the west like what happened to Rays, either. It’s shutting down in Japan as well.

I’ve seen fans saying there were warning signs before the announcement of Luminaria that Bandai Namco no longer saw Crestoria as a priority, but it’s still disappointing.

The story of Crestoria will be continued in another form, although they haven’t explained that yet. I’ve heard it has a good story, which is why I was hoping to play it someday when I had a device that could run it.

Personally, I wish they’d release an offline version or a non-mobile game, but that seems unlikely.

More than anything else, this announcement makes me lack confidence in mobile Tales games. Tales of Link? Gone. Tales of the Rays? Still going in Japan, but shut down in the west. Tales of Crestoria? Shutting down in February. I’m intrigued by Tales of Luminaria, but who knows how long it will be around for?

(It’s unfortunate that online-only mobile games seems to be the go-to format for smaller spin-off titles now, too.)

How do you feel about Tales of Crestoria and its impending shutdown? How do you think they will handle the continuation of the story?

Jul 152020

(But not by me.)

Tales of Crestoria, the new mobile Tales game set to be released this year, is now available to be installed on iOS and Android devices ahead of its release.

Although it was originally planned for a June launch, it was delayed. There’s still no official release date, but Bandai Namco says it will be out in “the near future.” Since it’s currently undergoing maintenance for its launch, it should be coming soon.

Some players’ pre-loads reportedly say it will be available July 22, but there’s conflicting reports. Since July 22 is Bandai Namco’s upcoming showcase, they might announce its release there.

Update: It turns out the answer was July 16. Tales of Crestoria is out now!

I’m not a big fan of mobile games, but since Tales of Arise has been delayed and Tales of Crestoria has its own original story, I was going to check it out. Unfortunately, when I went to the App Store to pre-load it, I was greeted by the message that it isn’t compatible with my tablet.

So no Tales of Crestoria for me, at least not anytime soon.

If you’ve got a compatible device, though, you can pre-load the game now. Are you planning to play Tales of Crestoria?

Apr 242020

We haven’t talked too much about Tales of Crestoria, the next upcoming mobile Tales game.

Tales of Crestoria was first revealed in 2018 as basically a full original Tales game (although one with a turn-based combat system) for mobile devices, with its own original plot, cast of characters, etc.

It also managed to look even edgier than Tales of Berseria, being described as “An RPG Written in Blood and Betrayal” where characters deemed sinners are marked by the “Stain of Guilt” and hunted down by enforcers.

Despite them making a point of how it’s not a crossover like the past mobile Tales games, it… is? They’ve shown protagonists from past Tales games who will make an appearance in Crestoria. I assume the main story will deal solely with the original cast and that’s why they say it isn’t a crossover, but the returning characters make it feel like it’ll have typical character-collecting gacha mechanics.

Anyway, we’ll be able to find out for ourselves what Tales of Crestoria is like next month! A new announcement revealed not only a June 2020 release window, but also an open beta in May.

Crestoria will be the first Tales game to get a simultaneous global release, so the beta test in May is meant to test the network load of the English version.

I’m interested enough that I’ll probably give the beta test a try if I’m able to. I’m not a big mobile gamer, but I’m still disappointed over the loss of Tales of the Rays. Of course, what I really want to hear more about is Tales of Arise… Is that still coming out this year?

What do you think about Tales of Crestoria? Will you be trying the open beta in May?