When I published the reprint of The Book at Dernier back in September, I said the ebook version would be available shortly.
December isn’t as soon as I expected, but after overcoming some formatting difficulties, The Book at Dernier is now available for the Kindle!
Best of all, if you buy a print copy of The Book at Dernier from Amazon, you’ll be able to buy the ebook version for $0.99.
The beginning can also be read on Amazon as a free sample.
The Book at Dernier is a horror novella about a young man named Paul who visits a small town and uncovers a dark mystery about a string of horrifying murders, an enigmatic cult, and a book written in an indecipherable language.
If you’re familiar with my taste in horror, it’s probably not a surprise that this story has a Lovecraftian tone to it. Most of my horror is supernatural, but The Book at Dernier and It Came Back are the two that most reflect my Lovecraft inspirations.
Does that sound interesting to you? If so, head over to Amazon and take a look at the Kindle edition of The Book at Dernier.