Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Sep 302015

Mario-and-Luigi-Dream-TeamDo you have any “instant-buy” video game series?

The Mario & Luigi RPG series is one of my few “instant-buy” series, where I have enough faith in it to buy a new game as soon as it becomes available.

But after the devastating addition to another Mario RPG series and a disappointing sequel to an old favorite, I was a little nervous about the latest game.

Add in criticisms leveled at it for tutorial-heavy gameplay, and I went into Mario & Luigi: Dream Team prepared for the worst.

But I did not get the worst. I got a game that is flawed, but overall worth playing.

I was quite conflicted as I played it. At times, I thought it was tedious and weak. Other times, it made me laugh out loud and I wanted everyone to play it. So let’s take a look at the good and bad of the latest Mario RPG.

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is tutorial-heavy. My favorite was when, over 20 hours into the game, they carefully explained to me how to open my menu and read a list of key items. Thanks, game. I couldn’t have figured that one out.

Part of it is that there are so many gameplay features. In addition to the field abilities fans of the series are familiar with, there are a number of “Luiginary” skills usable only in the Dream World. Almost every one included a tutorial, and I’d have been happier if it focused on the core Luiginary moves and cut the others.

The abundance of tutorials factors into another problem. Dream Team has big pacing issues. The early parts of the game felt tedious and drawn-out. My opinion of it was low as I trudged through certain plot points… but at about the halfway mark, it really picked up. It kept up a good pace until the final dungeon, which was just a couple of areas too big. Without a lot happening, it felt more like filler than anything else.

During that early part, when I thought to my dismay that this might be the most tedious game in the series, one thing kept me going: the writing.


The Mario & Luigi games have great writing, and Dream Team is no exception. This game is funny. While its story is fairly basic (though a couple well-written plot twists took me by surprise), the interactions and wacky NPCs are fantastic. From the mountain-climbing tour guides obsessed with muscles and beef, to Mario and Luigi themselves, the characters bring hilarious life to this game.

Starlow returns as the player’s guide, but a second guide comes in the form of Prince Dreambert. While his character isn’t as fleshed out as I would have liked, I found him entertaining and preferred him to Starlow.

The antagonists are a good mix of sinister and silly, and while some fans dislike Bowser’s return to straight villainy, at least he is a character and has dialogue unlike in a certain game.

Antasma never reached the same depth as previous series villains, but that may have been intentional since Bowser shares the villain spotlight. He does have a good (oddly Layton-esque) theme song, though.

Dream Team has great music. I loved the soundtrack throughout the game. The boss theme kept me entertained through many long, frustrating battles.

I don’t mean that as a criticism of the battles. For the most part, it’s the usual mix of turn-based combat and action commands used in the series, but it seemed much more punishing. At the same time, you can save anywhere and try battles again once you lose. Although I died many times, I only ever lost progress due to a game-freezing glitch.

Speaking of glitches, let’s talk about the gyro. The Giant Battles force you to use the 3DS’s gyroscope. I dislike forced gyro controls in general, but Dream Team’s occasionally glitched. I lost one battle when Luigi drifted up to the corner of the screen and refused to move no matter what I did.

Mario-and-Luigi-Dream-Team-Giant-LuigiI disliked the Giant Battles because of the gyro and how scripted they seemed, but I loved them for their contribution to Luigi’s character development.

When Dream Team was first announced, some fans hoped the role of Luigi’s dreams would take us into the darker parts of his psyche. While that never happened, the focus on Luigi’s mind makes one thing clear: he’d do anything to protect his brother. When Mario encounters a major threat in the Dream World, Luigi’s inner “Luiginoids” fuse together into Giant Luigi, accompanied by this epic theme and thoughts like “Gotta help my bro!”

Mario is usually the strong of the two, but Luigi’s unwavering defense of him–no matter how scared he is–adds some heartwarming character development.

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team suffers from definite flaws, but it’s a good game overall with a lot to enjoy. Let’s hope they keep the strong writing for Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam so the crossover can rise above Sticker Star’s disaster.

What do you think of Dream Team and the future of the Mario & Luigi series?

Buy Mario & Luigi: Dream Team from Amazon
Buy Mario & Luigi: Dream Team from Play-Asia

Sep 282015

Alien-Isolation-Nostromo-EditionI fully expected to review Mario & Luigi: Dream Team today, but I didn’t finish it in time because the final dungeon goes on for far too long. So as an emergency replacement topic, let’s talk about the weekly sale at Play-Asia!

And Alien: Isolation.

Alien: Isolation is one of the best modern survival horror games I’ve played, both for its unrelenting tension and the way it brings classic survival horror gameplay into a modern game.

If you’re a survival horror fan and you haven’t played it yet, you really should. And if you’re a fan of the original Alien movie, this sale will especially appeal to you, because it’s the Nostromo Edition. The Nostromo Edition lets you play as Ripley, Dallas, or Parker and try to survive one of the key moments of the film.

Play-Asia only lists the Xbox One version as part of the weekly special, but a search shows that the PS3, PS4, and Steam versions are also available at discounted prices (sorry, Xbox 360 players), though the deal isn’t as good. The Nostromo Edition is difficult to find anywhere else.

For those of you who have already played it or don’t care, Alien: Isolation isn’t the only game on sale this week, just the one I can speak about the most.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is a game I intend to play someday, though I have low expectations. I have yet to play the original Devil May Cry games, let alone the reboot. I’ll try Final Fantasy Type-0 HD eventually, but although the deal is tempting, I don’t have a PS4 or Xbox One yet to play it on. I already have Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, I’ve heard mixed things about Natural Doctrine, and while I may play the Tomb Raider reboot someday, I don’t have a PS4 to play the Definitive Edition on.

My vote on what to buy from this Play-Asia sale goes to Alien: Isolation, but share your thoughts on the rest of the weekly special items in the comments below.

Sep 252015

Tales-of-Zestiria-SteamTales of Zestiria has seen a fair share of controversy among fans, mainly related to Alisha. Let’s not get into that.

Other players dislike the camera angles, the 30 FPS frame rate made many angry, and still others condemn Bandai Namco for offering special Steam pre-order bonuses, because giving players incentive to pre-order is apparently a terrible thing.

The battle system also gets a fair share of criticism, but don’t worry. If you dislike the Fusionic Chain Linear Motion Battle System (I love Tales battle system names), I’m sure the next game will try something new.

Yesterday, Bandai Namco held a Tales of Zestiria PC live stream, as well as a sneak peek of Symphonia on PC.

If you missed the Zestiria live stream, like me, you can still watch the archived video to see how Tales of Zestiria plays.

What I saw in the live stream impressed me. Graphically, the game reminds me of Xillia, and as much as people complain about the fusion system, I think it looks pretty cool.

Sorey came across as a pretty cool protagonist here (which I didn’t expect), and I’m more interested in the story now. It hinted a couple of times that he would be a devastating force if he turned evil, so I definitely want him to face a descent into darkness.

The camera got a little wacky in the later fights because of the multiplayer system, but not enough turn me away… especially since I play alone. Overall, I was impressed. Zestiria is still one of my most-anticipated games, and I can’t wait to play it.

Share your thoughts on the live stream of Tales of Zestiria in the comments below.