Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Dec 262013

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and I apologize for the blog being down over the holidays. I got a special holiday treat on Christmas Eve–the long-anticipated launch of my horror novella, The Book at Dernier. Episode 1 released on Christmas Eve, and Episode 2 will launch this Friday (tomorrow)! The remaining episodes will come out each Friday after that until the story is completed.

I love the cover. It’s so creepy and awesome. (It also reminds me of Silent Hill, and I love Silent Hill.)

So, if you’re ready to venture into the dark past of Dernier and see what secrets surround the strange book that once belonged to Marcus Phineas… If you want to enter a world of death, madness, and rituals… If you’re prepared to walk alongside obsessed academic Paul Bryce on his mission to uncover powers that should have never been brought to light…

…make your way to the Red Penny Papers and see what horrors await you.

Dec 152013

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Sure, sure, she said she was going to update regularly, but once that class of hers ended, what did we get? Nothing! Lies, all lies!”

If you weren’t thinking that, you now think I’m crazy. But really, the name of the blog should have given that much away. (Note: at this point, the blog was called “Words of a Mad Author.”)

Anyway, here I am, with a not-quite-regular update. Besides the first priority (assuring you that I have not forgotten about my blog), I have a few pieces of news I’d like to share.

1. I’m getting a logo!

Yes, about five minutes after I told myself I would be just fine without a logo, my brain started buzzing with design ideas and thoughts about how cool it would to have a logo, and the next thing I knew, I was looking up information on how to get one. I don’t have it yet, but I’ve approved a concept design, so my logo is on its way.

2. The Book at Dernier is also on its way.

I got to see a couple drafts of the cover art for my horror novella The Book at Dernier, and it is wonderful. Spooky, Lovecraftian, and with a bit of a Silent Hill vibe–how could I not love it? Stay tuned for more news on that front.

3. An editor requested a look at my full manuscript.

My dear horror readers shouldn’t get too excited–this is my YA fantasy novel I’m talking about. For the first time ever, someone I queried about Agent of the Relari has requested to see the full manuscript. This is so exciting! Even if nothing comes of it, this is a step in the right direction.

4. I might turn this blog over to my own domain name.

“Might” is the key word. It’s supposed to be a simple process, but you really never know. I promise not to experiment to the point of breaking things. (Is it even possible to break a blog?)

That’s pretty much it for now. You can check my new freelancing page to see that I’m now available at WriterAccess as well as Elance, and I’ll try to keep up a more frequent blogging schedule from now on.

(Just be glad I didn’t write daily posts gushing about Dual Destinies. I was tempted.)