Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Mar 112015

When other writers ask about useful Twitter hashtags, one I almost always mention is #pitmad.

Short for “Pitch Madness,” #PitMad is a special day on Twitter when authors can Tweet pitches for their completed novels, and agents favorite the Tweets if they’re interested in an official query. While it may be difficult to come up with a pitch under 140 characters long–and multiple versions of it, since Twitter won’t like you sending out duplicate Tweets throughout the day–it’s a fun way to get your idea in front of agents and see if anyone is interested!

If you have a novel ready to send to agents and you want to participate, check out the official rules. I’m participating in this #PitMad with The Nightbringer, the novel I worked on for NaNoWriMo 2014. Here’s hoping for success for all of us!

These days are held quarterly, and the next one is set for June 4. Good luck!

  2 Responses to “Today is a #PitMad Day”

  1. “We’ve had some success stories come out of our previous #PitMads and we’d hate to have it canceled due to abuse.”

    …Hm, so this is an actual useful activity.

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