Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jul 132015

Nintendo-president-Satoru-IwataMy intended post has been delayed due to the sad news that Satoru Iwata, the president and CEO of Nintendo, died on July 11.

When I first saw the news, I thought it had to be a mistake. I knew he had some health problems, but surely it could be that bad. Then I saw Nintendo’s official statement, and I knew it was real.

Before he became president, Iwata worked as a programmer on games like EarthBound. I’m glad I had a chance to play it before his passing. He became Nintendo’s president in 2002.

Not everyone in the gaming community agreed with Iwata’s style. Many people thought he shouldn’t be president. But no matter what you thought of his business decisions, he was a key figure in the industry, a gamer just like us, and most importantly, a person. A person taken from us too soon.

Let’s all take some time to remember that person and treasure the memories he left us with.

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