While I never go out on Black Friday, I do enjoy checking out the online sales. Let’s take a look at some of the best available this year.
Amazon’s sales seem a bit weak this year, although they have Dragon Quest XI for $29.99. Maybe they’re saving the best deals for Cyber Monday…?
However, I would also like to mention that Amazon currently has a promotion going on books, where you can get $5 off eligible books that total $20 or more, and mine are included! So if you want a physical copy of The Book at Dernier, The Zombie Mishap, Final Masquerade, or Wicked Words Quarterly, this is a great opportunity!
Okay, self-promotion time is over. Back to video games.
Actually, there still will be a small amount of self-promotion, because Steam is running a massive fall sale like usual, which includes games I wrote for like Ascendant Hearts for $4.99.
Steam has so many games on sale it would be impossible to list all my recommendations, so I’ll just remind you that Hatoful Boyfriend is great despite its wacky premise (and for $2.49, how can you go wrong?) and Trails in the Sky is only $9.99 right now.
Moving on, of all the video game sales I’ve seen today, the winner has to be GameStop with God of War (2018) on sale for $17. If I didn’t already have it, I’d be buying it.
Best Buy has a number of games available for $29.99. Notable titles include Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Dragon Quest XI. They also have a selection of games priced at $19.99, including Detroit: Become Human, Nier: Automata, Resident Evil 7, and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.
Their sale also includes God of War for $24.99 (not as good as GameStop’s price, but maybe worth it if you’re buying from Best Buy) and the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy for $24.99 (I linked the Switch version, but PS4 and Xbox version are on sale too).
Okay, so all these sales are really doing is reminding me how many games I still want to play.
Nintendo has a lot of games on sale in the Nintendo eShop, but it doesn’t look like Ace Attorney is on sale this year…
In general, this year’s sales aren’t quite as impressive as I’d hoped for, but maybe I’ve overlooked some. What are some fantastic game deals you’ve spotted this Black Friday?
And stay tuned for the continuation of our God of War marathon, because on Monday I’ll be discussing Chains of Olympus.
“Nintendo has a lot of games on sale in the Nintendo eShop, but it doesn’t look like Ace Attorney is on sale this year…”
My thoughts exactly! (Was the only thing I looked for, quite frankly.)
Usually they’re on sale at this time, but I guess they’ll just wait for the inevitable CAPCOM Winter Sale.
When does the Capcom Winter Sale usually start?
It starts right before Christmas.
Per the KoopaTV article I’m hyperlinking to my name for this comment, in 2016 CAPCOM skipped Black Friday/Cyber Monday for Ace Attorney only to have the Winter Sale.
Ahh, so maybe they’ll be doing the same thing this year. 🙂
“Maybe Capcom thinks it’s too soon for an Ace Attorney sale after the one around Spirit of Justice’s launch?”
You two years ago when there wasn’t anything for Cyber Monday.
I guess they don’t care about a month after.
So Ace Attorney Trilogy HD shouldn’t affect stuff, right?
It shouldn’t affect anything like this, especially since it’s not due out for a while yet.
Best thing I got was Dragon Age 2 for £2. Black Friday just isn’t as good here, but happy with that.
Oh, nice! Dragon Age 2 might be criticized a lot, but I enjoyed some parts of it.
I’m actually enjoying it a lot so far! It’s not perfect obviously, but I’m not sure why it got slagged off as badly as it did. There are worse games that don’t get half as much trash talk.
I think a lot of it was criticism for largely taking place in a single city instead of what Origins was like. For me, I just feel some parts of the story didn’t come through as well as they could have.