Operation Backlog Completion 2024
May 282021

Dragon Quest XII has been a minefield of overreactions and misinterpretations ever since it was announced the other night, but we have a handful of new concrete details to look at!

On a recruitment page for Dragon Quest XII, Yuji Horii states that the story is complete and just needs to be implemented.

However, since Dragon Quest XII is a big game, it will still take time before it’s finished.

The page also includes a message from the game’s director, Takeshi Uchikawa. He was the director of Dragon Quest XI, so if you enjoyed XI, it should be reassuring to know that XII is in good hands.

Meanwhile, both my use of Google Translate to read the page and the translation here from Twisted Voxel show that Horii once again said the command battles will be “renewed” but that they won’t reveal how just yet.

This really doesn’t sound to me like it’s going to be an action game. “Renew” isn’t the word I would use if I was taking out turn-based combat to replace it with something else. There are sites out there reporting that Horii said during the live stream that it’s “not turn-based,” but I don’t know where they’re getting that translation from.

It’s also been revealed that Dragon Quest XII will use Unreal Engine 5.

So while we don’t know much at all about Dragon Quest XII, at least we have a few more details. I find it especially interesting that the story is already complete. Maybe that means they’ll reveal some story details soon and give a better indication of what the tone will be like.

How are you feeling about Dragon Quest XII so far, and when do you think we’ll learn more?

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