A Pokémon Presents has been announced for this Wednesday, August 3, at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET.
It will feature “updates on Pokémon apps and video games,” with Scarlet and Violet mentioned specifically.
I’m not enthusiastic about Pokémon Scarlet/Violet because of its open world structure, so I’ll mainly be interested in what other games they might announce.
Last August, they covered Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus, and a couple mobile games.
I’d be interested in seeing DLC for Legends, but with Scarlet/Violet not far off, they might not want to distract from them.
When it comes to spin-offs, however, I’m still interested in finally learning about the Detective Pikachu sequel, especially now that I’ve played the original.
But you know what? I’ll toss another hope out there. I want them to announce a remaster or remake of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. People praise that game so much, but it’s nearly impossible to find a copy these days. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX was well-received, so let’s see the sequel given similar attention.
(If an Explorers remake is announced, I promise to play Rescue Team DX ahead of its launch.)
What are you hoping to see from Wednesday’s Pokémon Presents?