The Flood, though? Oh yes.
Halo: Combat Evolved introduced the Flood as a plot twist partway through, and suddenly this wasn’t just a game about shooting aliens anymore. It got a lot creepier.
On the surface, the Flood is Halo’s version of zombies. Infected creatures twist and mutate into undead monstrosities. But as the series progressed and the lore expanded, they became more. They are not zombies.
The Flood is a Lovecraftian nightmare.
After the first game’s implications that the Flood became so dangerous the Forerunners had to wipe out the galaxy to stop it, Halo 2 introduced the Gravemind: an intelligent, sinister manipulator in control of the Flood hive mind. His cryptic verses and sinister presentation were damaged by his rather plant-like appearance, even if he was still intimidating, so the Master Chief Collection altered his design to more closely resemble his canonical description as a massive conglomeration of corpses. Thanks for that, 343.
Meanwhile, the first game’s Anniversary Edition (also present in the MCC) incorporated the best parts of the first game’s novelization to demonstrate what even a Proto-Gravemind can do.
It gets worse. The Flood can infect AI.
This is demonstrated most notably in the corruption of Mendicant Bias and the Gravemind’s interrogation of Cortana, but the Forerunners considered it a plague. Infected AI could spread it to others.
To go back to the zombie comparison, imagine if the zombies created a computer virus that made your electronics do what they wanted. And since the Flood are intelligent, suddenly you have Gravemind messages appearing on your phone, with all his usual psychological torment and manipulation.
It gets worse.
The Flood we saw in the original Halo trilogy was comparatively weak to what it was in the Forerunners’ time. Graveminds are only the second-highest known form of the Flood. If they spread enough, the Flood form Key Minds, essentially Graveminds on a planetary scale.
Remember, they’re telepathic and/or a hive mind. Key Minds controlled military strategy. They coordinated ship attacks. Fleets of Flood-infected ships surrounded Forerunners and invaded their systems! These are far from mere zombies.
And it gets worse.
I believe the Flood will return, if not in Halo 5 then in a future game. When they do, we might finally see them at their full strength.
And that will be terrifying.
I’m scared. x.x
They’re terrifying! (Especially the new way they depicted the Gravemind. Before, he looked like a plant and everyone talked about Little Shop of Horrors. XD)