Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jul 192017

A few months ago, I announced that my horror story “Nightmare Stalker” had been accepted for publication by The Book Smugglers.

It’s been renamed to It Came Back, and today I’d like to share the awesome cover art from Tomislav Jagnjic.

It Came Back follows a young woman named Luna who returns to her childhood home, only to discover a dark secret in her family’s past and a curse that lingers on.

It will be available from The Book Smugglers, and if you want an ebook copy, you’ll also be able to buy it from:

You can also add It Came Back on Goodreads.

In the official announcement from The Book Smugglers, you can learn a little more about the story and how they selected it as part of their Gods & Monsters line.

A classic horror story, set in the 1980s, featuring an estranged daughter, a partial epistolary narrative, an otherworldly artifact, and a family secret, It Came Back hit all of the right horror tropes–even better, it manages to do all these things and still be truly scary. We couldn’t have dreamed up a more terrifying specter to kick off the monster portion of Gods and Monsters… we hope you’re as taken with Samantha Lienhard’s nightmare stalker as we are.”

Excited? You’ll be able to read It Came Back on July 25, and pre-orders for the ebook are available now!

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