Operation Backlog Completion 2025
May 132020

As reported by Gematsu, Capcom has announced that they will release “multiple major new titles” by March 31, 2021.

No indication has been given of what these titles include, although if the Resident Evil 4 remake rumors are true, that has to be one of them, and probably Resident Evil 8 as well. A huge series like Monster Hunter sounds like a good candidate, too.

And of course, I can’t help but hope for Ace Attorney 7.

You might argue that Capcom doesn’t consider Ace Attorney to be a “major” series, but don’t forget that when they promised Ace Attorney was coming to the Switch, they counted it among their popular franchises.

(Then again, all we got out of that was the Ace Attorney Trilogy port…)

I’m hopeful that with new Capcom games planned for the coming year, we’ll finally get an announced of Ace Attorney 7. Maybe they’ll port and localize Ace Attorney Investigations 2 while they’re at it!

I’d hope for Breath of Fire news, but even I’m not that optimistic.

What do you think Capcom’s upcoming major titles are, and when do you think we’ll finally get more Ace Attorney news?

  7 Responses to “Capcom Has “Multiple Major New Titles” Planned for the Next Year”

  1. “Maybe they’ll port and localize Ace Attorney Investigations 2 while they’re at it!”
    Next sentence:
    “but even I’m not that optimistic.”

    You sure? <_<

    I'm upset with CAPCOM that after that executive went around and talked Ace Attorney on Switch, all we got was the “unmissable” Trilogy for yet another time, and as a multi-platform release anyway.

    Though I suppose it’s possible it really was Ace Attorney 7 and now it’s vapourware.

    • Yeah, I believe we have a better chance of getting a localized Investigations 2 than a new Breath of Fire game. Capcom likes porting games to other systems. There’s a chance they’ll do it with the Investigations games, which would mean a new shot at localization.

      Meanwhile, the last Breath of Fire game was a 2016 Japan-exclusive mobile game that was so bad, it was shut down a year later and the general feeling is it killed the series.

      Yeah, I’m not sure whether they meant the Trilogy port all along or if they had more games planned and something happened.

  2. Breath of Fire PLEASE! Just not a phone game..please.

  3. lol here you are thinking there’ll be a new Ace Attorney game but then a new Paper Mario game comes instead

  4. […] this year, I hoped Ace Attorney would be one of the “major” titles Capcom intends to release, and the upcoming Tokyo Game Show feels like the best time for a new Ace Attorney […]

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