Twenty years ago today, the original PlayStation console launched in North America.
My video game backlog has started to feel like a joke, since almost every time I discuss an anticipated game, I mention related games I should play first, most of which are RPGs and therefore add many hours to my backlog. So let’s celebrate the PlayStation’s 20th Anniversary by looking at the top PlayStation 1 games I intend to play.
Oh look, they’re all lengthy RPGs.
5. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
This is an odd one. I’ve had a copy of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for years, and one of the first things I did was open it to study the map, manual (which contained a mini-walkthrough), and soundtrack. This means I’m quite familiar with some of its story details and music.
Why did I read the manual at least 50 times and listen to the soundtrack repeatedly as a kid yet never consider playing the game? Who knows? But since Lunar: Silver Star Story gets pretty good reviews, it’s definitely an RPG I should try someday.
4. Tales of Destiny
Along with Lunar and some other PlayStation games, Tales of Destiny was given to me years ago. I never put the pieces together and realized it was in the same series as that Tales of Symphonia game everyone recommended to me until Tales of Xillia came out.
Then it clicked. “Tales of”? I have a “Tales of” game…
Somehow, I also got the impression Tales of Destiny received mixed or negative reviews. It did not. So in my quest to play all the Tales games, I’ll check out one of the earliest titles.
3. The Legend of Dragoon
I know next to nothing about The Legend of Dragoon.
Really, the only thing I know about this game is that it’s a PlayStation RPG everyone seems to love. Enough people told me it’s a great game for me to add it to my list. It’s one of these games that seems to have gotten a mixed critical response, but a cult following. People who like it are Legend of Dragoon diehards.
It’s one of those games I want to play just because it’s such a legend.
Does it live up to its reputation? Since it’s on PSN, I’ll be able to find out.
2. Xenogears
It’s come up in the past — Xenoblade is the only “Xeno” game I’ve played. I hope to change that, especially since I’ve heard good things about both Xenogears and Xenosaga.
Now, I know the games aren’t really connected aside from a few thematic elements. From what I’ve heard, Xenoblade is considered very different from the previous games, although some people say the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X returns to a more Gears/Saga-style story. Even if I hadn’t enjoyed Xenoblade, though, I’d still want to play games with the great reputations these ones have.
Xenogears sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun, with religious elements and lots of plot twists! I can’t wait!
1. Wild Arms 2
I enjoyed Wild Arms. Wild Arms 3 is one of my favorite RPGs ever.
Yet I somehow missed the game many fans consider the best in the series, Wild Arms 2.
Thanks to PSN, I have a digital copy, so someday I’ll be able to return to the crazy Wild West/fantasy/science fiction blend that gives Wild Arms such a unique setting. When I do, I expect great things.
These aren’t the only PlayStation 1 games I want to play, but they’re the ones at the top of my list. Have you played these games? Do you have your own list of classics you hope to complete? What are your favorite games from the original PlayStation? Share all your thoughts in the comments below.
Wild Arms series.
Those are your favorite PlayStation games?
No, that’s what I need to play.
Ohh. Yes you do, then!
(Although since you don’t have a PlayStation console, I don’t know how you’re going to… :P)
That was my reply, by the way. For some reason the system brought me in as Anonymous.
Typical Alienhard, trying to make it look like more people come here than really exist by posting anonymous comments that somehow know who I am.