Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Sep 022016

Yo-Kai-Watch-2-box-artDuring yesterday’s Nintendo Direct, Nintendo explained the differences between the two versions of Yo-Kai Watch 2, which will be out on September 30.

Despite their absurd localized titles, Yo-Kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls are supposed to be much improved over the fun, but flawed Yo-Kai Watch.

In particular, they adjusted the befriending mechanic so it isn’t as random.

Due to time travel antics, you learn the origins of the yo-kai watch itself and join a conflict between two rival factions of yo-kai.

The Bony Spirits faction is led by Arachnus, while the Fleshy Souls faction is led by Toadal Dude. Really, I’m not joking.

Left: Arachnus Right: Toadal Dude

Right: Arachnus
Left: Toadal Dude

A few other version-exclusive yo-kai are also shown, although they aren’t called out by name. For example, it looks like Venoct is exclusive to Bony Spirits while Kyubi is exclusive to Fleshy Souls.

Two special yo-kai are also exclusive to the digital versions, as well. Robonyan F (Bony Spirits) and Sailornyan (Fleshy Souls).

Finally, the first retail run of Yo-Kai Watch 2 comes with a physical medal you can use to unlock a special Soultimate move for Jibanyan.

I’m pretty much set on getting Bony Spirits now, because Arachnus looks great and I liked Venoct a lot in the first game. And while I’d rather have Robonyan F than a new Soultimate move, I’ll probably still get a physical copy of the game. Hey, since yo-kai trading is a thing, maybe someone will trade me a Robonyan F someday!

What do you think: Bony Spirits or Fleshy Souls?

If you’re unsure about the games, a demo for Yo-Kai Watch 2 will be available later this month. The Yo-Kai Watch demo wasn’t a great representation, though, so we’ll see what it’s like. In the meantime, share your thoughts and questions on Yo-Kai Watch 2 in the comments below.

  2 Responses to “Yo-Kai Watch 2 Version Details: Bony Spirits or Fleshy Souls?”

  1. I like Arachnus’s hair, but I’m not into spiders.

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