Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebounds has receive a major update to both its combat system and the script.
Combat changes include fancier effects, difficulty options, improved enemy AI, options to turn the ACT system off or make it easier, and other adjustments.
There are a few other gameplay changes, including a save point added to a part of the game where a save point is desperately needed, but also major changes to the script.
When I reviewed Legrand Legacy earlier this year, most of my criticism fell on the characters and their interactions. The character writing dragged down what could have been a good story, and it was the main reason I felt Legrand Legacy didn’t live up to its potential.
The developers didn’t go into specific detail about how the script has changed, but said the script has been rewritten. New cutscenes have also been added to the ending. Meanwhile, on Reddit, they suggested the character interactions will be much better now.
(While they haven’t said so, I assume all of these changes will be in the console versions when they launch early next year.)
Of course, with my backlog of games to play, I’m not sure I’ll replay a 40-hour game just to see the new script, but I have to admit I’m tempted. If feedback to the revised version is positive, I just might take a look to see how Legrand Legacy has changed.