Last week the posting schedule got a bit off track, but that shouldn’t repeat itself this week.
Anyway, what would have been the topic of Friday’s post if I hadn’t jumped the gun and posted on Thursday, is that a Tokyo Xanadu sequel has been announced!
Last month, one of the announcements from the All Aksys Showcase was that the Switch version of Tokyo Xanadu eX+ will be coming west with an updated translation.
I’ve enjoyed what I played of Tokyo Xanadu but never stuck with it, so that announcement convinced me to officially put my playthrough on hold and wait for the Switch version. Meanwhile, Falcom had been teasing a sequel lately, as well, so it’s exciting to see that turn into an official announcement at last.
The new game appears to be set in Kyoto, so whether it will keep the “Tokyo Xanadu” title for familiarity or adopt a different one (Kyoto Xanadu?) remains to be seen.
No western release has been announced yet, but chances of it happening seem pretty good. (Maybe Aksys will announce it at another showcase?) Since I’m intent on playing the Switch version when it comes out, I might actually be caught up in time.
Moving on to something completely different, yesterday was Mario Day, and Nintendo’s announcements included a release date for the upcoming Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake.
May 23!
That’s actually a lot sooner than I expected. Since it was announced with a simple “2024” release window, I assumed it would be late in the year. Coming out in May makes it feel like it’s almost here already!
So Paper Mario is coming soon, and more Tokyo Xanadu is on the way. This really is a good year to be an RPG fan.