Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Oct 282024

Let’s talk about Happy Game, a short game that warns you right on its Steam page that it is not a happy game.

In terms of tone, it’s psychological horror, but as far as gameplay goes, it’s a puzzle game before anything else.

You play as a little boy having a nightmare, and I have to praise it for really capturing a surreal tone. The imagery is often disturbing, sometimes bright and colorful at the same time, and always bizarre.

The puzzles, meanwhile, are the type that seem to be complete dream logic when you first look at them, until you figure out the rules of each situation and see how to proceed. It’s simple mechanically – the main things you do are walk and click – but tricky in terms of figuring out solutions.

Now since it’s a horror game set within the context of nightmares, I’m sure there is a ton of symbolism here. It’s clear that it’s exploring childhood fears and trauma to some degree.

At the same time, everything is so surreal that it lends it ambiguity. There was a point while playing where I wondered if it simply was just a nightmare after all, and other points where I started to theorize about certain things. I feel like it’s the sort of game that lends itself to multiple interpretations.

It’s also disturbing enough in tone to be a great fit for this month. The final section in particular felt like a perfect game for Halloween.

So if you’re looking for a strange, surreal puzzle game that takes only a couple of hours to beat and is set within the context of a nightmare, Happy Game is certainly one to consider.

  10 Responses to “Celebrating All Things Spooky: Happy Game”

  1. This game has looked disturbing yet interesting every time I’ve seen it. And it’s funny that it’s from the same developers of sweeter games like Machinarium and Botanicula.

  2. Wait, so it’s not ACTUALLY a happy game?! D:

    Anyway, I just looked at the steam screenshots and oh boy does it look disturbingly weird. I hope I don’t have nightmares myself.
    (oddly enough I can see these creepy smiley faces in a skateboard brand or something)

  3. I clicked on the Steam page and immediately went “wtf am I looking at”

    Everything seems surreal and creepy about the game… including the protagonist. Especially in the thumbnail you chose. Get that weird soulless baby away from me please.

    • You can blame me for this one, pretty sure I got this one for her as a present in a past Halloween because it had been on my radar haha.

      • Hmm… So if I want her to play a scary game, I have to buy it for her as a present… and hope she eventually gets to it for October… hmm… xD

        • Yep, two of the games I got her for last Halloween made it into this one! Happy Game, which was my area of interest, and Corpse Party which was already on her wishlist. It also helps if said game is relatively short and matches one of the annual blog themes 😛

    • Hahaha, yes, it’s incredibly surreal and weird.

    • Lmao. I felt the same way when I saw a game like Binding of Isaac. I guess there’s a game for everyone out there

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