The past few days have been filled with news on some of our favorite Nintendo games, so let’s discuss Ace Attorney 6, Yo-Kai Watch, and Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water.
Ace Attorney 6 News
New details for Ace Attorney 6 were revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu, as Siliconera reported yesterday.
Ace Attorney 6 will not be set entirely in the Kurain Kingdom, but parts take place in Japan (which will most likely still be awkwardly localized to America in the English version).
It’s unclear who will be in Japan, since the trailer that revealed Apollo seemed to show him in Kurain. However, since the new Famitsu article refers to Phoenix and Apollo as the game’s two protagonists, that may have been a trick.
This news highlights one important question: will Athena Cykes be in Ace Attorney 6? Some view it as a sign that her role will be diminished, but since Apollo wasn’t shown in Dual Destinies promotional material for quite some time, it’s still too soon to say.
(Also, Blackquill cameo, please!)
Gaspen Payne, meanwhile, went to Kurain and earned a reputation as an undefeated prosecutor. That Phoenix Wright follows him there just shows the kind of luck the Paynes have.
Of course, Ace Attorney 6 rumors continue to fly. The latest fan theory suggests Princess Leifa is dead and being channeled by Maya. That could be an interesting twist, but we’ll see what Capcom has in mind.
Yo-Kai Watch News
I didn’t watch the Yo-Kai Watch anime, but I’ve heard a positive reception to it so far. While the series continues to expand in Japan, the first game will arrive here on November 6–and a demo will be available next week.
This is great news, especially since so many people still seem unclear about what Yo-Kai Watch is. Maybe this will finally stop the accusations that Yo-Kai Watch is a generic Pokemon clone.
I can’t wait to try the demo on October 22, and I hope you join me.
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water News
Speaking of October 22, the Yo-Kai Watch demo isn’t the only thing hitting the eShop. The fifth Fatal Frame game, Maiden of Black Water, also comes out on October 22. While it’s still digital-only for North America, it got quite a bit of attention yesterday after the latest trailer.
Fans weren’t pleased Nintendo intentionally called the trailer “spoopy,” until it made Fatal Frame start trending on Twitter.
Yes, in a marketing move that could have been a disaster, those maniacal geniuses at Nintendo drew more attention to Fatal Frame than it’s had in a long time. I saw fans who didn’t know Fatal Frame V even existed learn about it through this stunt.
Maybe I should be celebrating all things spoopy instead?
Share your thoughts on the latest Nintendo announcements in the comments below, and let me know which of these three games you’re most interested in!
(Also, unrelated to Nintendo, Tales of Zestiria pre-orders on Steam will include Symphonia as a bonus. Sylvarant here I come!)
“until it made Fatal Frame start trending on Twitter. ”
Oh hey you’re conveniently in the screenshot.
“Also shown off is Gaspen Payne, who was chased out of Japanifornia’s legal profession after AA5 and has set up shop as an ‘undefeated’ prosecutor in Kurain. That’s not so hard when there are no defense attorneys…!”
Pretty much the only appropriate reaction to that bit.
Yes, I didn’t notice that until I went to get the link, but now it’s even more fitting. 🙂
Poor Payne. XD I hope there’s a funny reaction when he realizes Phoenix Wright is now defending clients in the land of no defense attorneys.
You didn’t notice you were in the screenshot?
Yeah I don’t believe that at all.
I knew when I linked to it, of course, because I looked at it. Until then, I hadn’t bothered to check it out because I was online when Fatal Frame was trending, so I didn’t need to see the screenshot for proof.