With localization confirmed for Inazuma Eleven Ares, I’ve once again been thinking about the series.
A couple years ago, I included Inazuma Eleven on a list of games I wish I loved. When I think about it, it still sounds like the sort of game I would enjoy.
I love JRPGs and story-driven games, and I enjoy games by Level-5. Inazuma Eleven seems like a natural fit, even though I’m not a big fan of sports and sports games.
When I tried Inazuma Eleven, I enjoyed it right up until the soccer matches became more prominent. I can’t remember if I was bad at them or if I just didn’t find them fun, but they were the reason I quit playing the game despite liking the rest of the content I’d seen.
So I put it aside. But from time to time I see it recommended for RPG fans, and that gets me wondering about it again.
With Inazuma Eleven Ares coming to the west next year, should I give the game I have another try? Is there anything I should keep in mind about the gameplay that might help?
(And while we’re at it, I keep wondering if I should give Okami another try, too…)
I had an Inazuma game on the DS and enjoyed the chunk I played of it a lot, but not enough to finish it, I guess. The football playing parts weren’t very good, but at least they were easy. Maybe a new one would have much more fun matches.
Funnily enough, I stopped playing Okami after the first false ending too. The game felt too long for me as well, and Issun’s voice got SO grating after a while. I wanted to love it too, but never could. It was even less enjoyable to go back to it after a long break because the combat felt dated years later, but I did manage to stick with it until the end after returning.
Yeah, I’m not sure how much the matches differ from version to version.
I made it up to the second false ending eventually, but not to the actual end.
Good luck with it if you try again! Sadly, you are probably even less likely to love it now but finishing a game is always nice.
Yeah. XD Maybe someday.