The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is out now, and Capcom followed its release with an official survey about interest in the Ace Attorney series.
Although the survey is from, it is entirely in English.
The survey seems designed to gauge general interest in the Ace Attorney series and in The Great Ace Attorney in particular. Curiously, it specifically asks if you’d be interested in another Great Ace Attorney game.
Later on in the survey, it also asks you to list every Ace Attorney game you’ve played. This includes Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (with the title written in English), but I wouldn’t read too much into that, since it also allows you to say you played The Great Ace Attorney and its sequel on the 3DS before they were localized.
However, if Capcom is gauging interest in future Ace Attorney games, this is the perfect time to show how much we love the series.
There is some belief that if The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles sells well, they will also release a collection of Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies, and Spirit of Justice. I also have renewed hope that we might someday see an Investigations collection, bringing us an official release of Investigations 2 in the west.
Everyone is still hoping for Ace Attorney 7 news, too. When will that announcement come?
This is the most enthusiastic I’ve felt about Ace Attorney’s future in a while, so be sure to take the survey and let Capcom know your thoughts! According to the survey page, the survey will be open up through the end of September.
I’m sort of regretting putting the wallpaper as my desktop wallpaper because now I think whenever I see it I actually somehow have the game open… even though the title screen doesn’t actually look like that.
In any case, every Ace Attorney fan should fill it out and be enthusiastic.
Hah, I’m sure you’ll get used to it eventually.