The recent Nintendo Partner Showcase took me by surprise with several announcements, one of which was Tales of Graces f Remastered.
A since-removed retail listing made it seem as though Tales of Xillia would be the next Tales remaster, so the Graces news was especially unexpected.
It was soon revealed that Tales of Graces f Remastered is only the first of a Tales remaster project, with more to come. Now we have a few more details thanks to a Famitsu interview with producer Yusuke Tomizawa, translated by Automaton.
It seems they originally intended to release remasters in chronological order, but “due to various circumstances, trying to stick to chronological order too much made us unable to release anything” and instead their new goal is “prioritizing titles that had the highest potential for release.”
No further context is given, which makes this a curious statement.
Quite a few Tales games released in between Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Graces, so if the remaster plan started with Tales of Symphonia Remastered last year, that would mean they’d originally intended to remaster Rebirth next, then Legendia, then Abyss, and so on and so forth, but ran into difficulty. Without clarification, though, it’s unclear if he meant that or if they’d intended to start from the very beginning with Phantasia.
Now their decisions of which games to remaster take fan feedback into account, which apparently led to them prioritizing Graces f. (I’m surprised, I would have thought Abyss had the most requests.) Their ultimate goal is to release “as many titles as possible.”
This feels like it could be interpreted in either a positive or negative way. On one hand, wanting to remaster as many Tales games as possible sounds great! It should mean we’ll get more than just a handful. On the other hand, saying they couldn’t go in chronological order raises concerns that they’re going to skip over the earlier games after all.
But here’s an interpretation that takes both statements into account – what if they realized those earlier titles would require a lot more work, so they jumped ahead to a highly-requested game that would be easier to remaster, to get it out in the meantime while they’re working on the longer project? A Tales of Rebirth remaster, for example, might not be shelved but simply moved ahead since it will take longer to have ready.
(Tales of Rebirth is one of the few games left on my original list of untranslated games I wanted to see translated. Come on, Bandai Namco. It’s your turn.)
Overall, I think this interview is a positive sign for the future of the series and the revival of Tales games that are no longer readily available. Which games do you think they’ll remaster after Graces?
Now if only they’re remaster Tales of Crestoria (the gacha game with a actually good story that they canceled). But I’m glad to see more Tales of remasters, and this is one I haven’t played yet!
…Someday, I’ll get around to arise ^^;
At least the mobile game protagonists were all included on the website with the rest! There’s still hope! I’m still disappointed I never had a chance to try Crestoria.
Graces doesn’t really need a remaster. It still looks pretty decent imo. Seems like a weird choice.
It’s unavailable on modern platforms, so a port at least makes sense. And if they’re going to port it, might as well sharpen up the graphics and add some quality-of-life features.
It seems they took it off the PS3 store a while ago (EU anyway), along with a few others. I guess that’s why.
Right, that’s likely.