Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jan 132025

Back in July, Idea Factory announced two new otome localizations for 2025 – Battlefield Waltz and Temirana: The Lucky Princess and the Tragic Knights.

Neither had a release window beyond the year, but now Temirana has been delayed to 2026.

That’s a surprisingly long delay, with no reason given.

Now, this has led to several people questioning if it could be a censorship issue. If that feels like an odd conclusion to jump to for an otome game like this, it’s because Idea Factory’s other games have had some trouble with Nintendo’s guidelines lately. The Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth trilogy for the Switch and Death end re;Quest: Code Z both had their western Switch versions cancelled due to seemingly changed content guidelines from Nintendo, and a few other companies have also reported this shift in Nintendo’s policies. So I can understand the concern when Idea Factory delays another Switch game.

Still, it seems highly doubtful that this is the reason behind Temirana’s delay, since it doesn’t look like it would have any content that could cause trouble.

My personal hope is that this delay is because they’ve decided to release another otome game this year first, so they just rearranged the schedule. I hope it’s not that they’ve decided to publish them less frequently. It seems it’s also a fairly long one, so it could just mean they need to take more time for its translation. We shall see.

In the meantime, we’ve still got plenty of otome games to look forward to this year. Even if IFI only releases Battlefield Waltz this year, we’ve also got Genso Manège, Bustafellows 2, DesperaDrops, Mistonia, Uchronia, and several others.

Between that and my backlog, I can’t be too upset over this delay itself. I just hope such a long delay isn’t a negative sign.

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