In case you don’t remember, Fig is the crowdfunding platform founded by people from Double Fine that mainly matters to me because Psychonauts 2 was funded through it.
Despite my initial concerns about it, Psychonauts 2 is one of my most-anticipated games of 2020, so I’m looking forward to it quite a bit.
The big thing intended to set Fig apart from other crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter is that in addition to normal crowdfunding, you can also choose to become an investor in a game, and it only hosts a couple campaigns at a time. Some other games funded through Fig have already been successful, which also made me feel better about Psychonauts 2.
Anyway, today Fig announced that they’ve been acquired by a company called Republic. This announcement was accompanied by the launching of a new campaign for the Intellivision Amico console (which apparently was revealed quite a while ago).
Republic appears to be a company focused on helping people invest in startups, so the match with Fig makes sense. People seem hopeful that Republic’s greater reach should help campaigns on Fig get more investors and backers.
Kickstarter is still the first company I think of when it comes to crowdfunding, but Fig is starting to make a name for itself as it’s now released some fairly successful games, such as Pillars of Eternity II. Personally, I’m still looking forward to more news about Psychonauts 2.
With games being delayed due to COVID-19, I’ve wondered if Psychonauts 2 might be bumped from 2020 after all, but there’s been no delay announced yet. Double Fine is doing their best to handle the situation.
Anyway, what do you think about Fig and its acquisition by Republic?