Having just finished the third chapter of Higurashi, I’d normally take a longer break, but instead I decided to continue on and read Higurashi When They Cry – Ch. 4 Himatsubushi since it’s shorter than the rest and concludes the Question Arcs.
All of the chapters have taken different approaches so far, but Chapter 4 is the most noticeably different.
Instead of following Keiichi after his arrival in Hinamizawa, it’s set several years earlier and follows a young police officer visiting the town to investigate a kidnapping that could be related to the protests against the dam project.
It has less of an emphasis on horror, although it does have a few unsettling moments.
As I mentioned in my last review, I have theories about what’s going on that never quite seem to answer everything. In keeping with the chapters before it, this one adds a few more details that could support one idea or another but isn’t enough for me to put the pieces together yet.
I don’t have too much to say about this chapter, although I found it to be an interesting change of pace. This also wraps up the “Question Arcs,” which means the next chapter starts the Answer Arcs… where we’ll get some answers at last, possibly.
I’m looking forward to seeing what the next chapter brings!