Happy Star Wars Day!
May the 4th always makes me think about Knights of the Old Republic.
I reviewed it two years ago, and last year I included a new sequel or remaster on my list of Star Wars games I want to see.
So this year, let’s talk in more detail about one of my favorite E3 pipe dreams, Knights of the Old Republic 3.
Knights of the Old Republic is a fantastic RPG. I can’t praise it enough. It’s fun, captures that Star Wars feel, and has one of my favorite twists.
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is also good. Not as good as the original, although that might be because of the cuts when it was rushed. I usually mention KotOR II in the context of bad endings, but I still enjoyed it overall.
These games had great character and cool stories, so while we continue to lament the cancellation of the story-driven Star Wars game from Visceral Games, we can hope a new Knights of the Old Republic arises to fill the gap. As displeased as I was with EA’s explanation of the changes being made, KotOR could fit their hopes for a “broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency.”
Then again, with my disappointment in Mass Effect: Andromeda and mixed feelings about Dragon Age: Inquisition, maybe a new KotOR under BioWare and EA wouldn’t be what I want after all.
Nevertheless, I’d love to see a new KotOR game as good the first (or second). It’s still a pipe dream for now, but it doesn’t feel impossible. The series could be made part of the new canon, or it could be a reboot that doesn’t follow the first two.
What do you think? Would a new Knights of the Old Republic game live up to the standards of the original two? Will it ever be announced? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.