Operation Backlog Completion 2025
May 042018

Happy Star Wars Day!

May the 4th always makes me think about Knights of the Old Republic.

I reviewed it two years ago, and last year I included a new sequel or remaster on my list of Star Wars games I want to see.

So this year, let’s talk in more detail about one of my favorite E3 pipe dreams, Knights of the Old Republic 3.

Knights of the Old Republic is a fantastic RPG. I can’t praise it enough. It’s fun, captures that Star Wars feel, and has one of my favorite twists.

Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is also good. Not as good as the original, although that might be because of the cuts when it was rushed. I usually mention KotOR II in the context of bad endings, but I still enjoyed it overall.

These games had great character and cool stories, so while we continue to lament the cancellation of the story-driven Star Wars game from Visceral Games, we can hope a new Knights of the Old Republic arises to fill the gap. As displeased as I was with EA’s explanation of the changes being made, KotOR could fit their hopes for a “broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency.”

Then again, with my disappointment in Mass Effect: Andromeda and mixed feelings about Dragon Age: Inquisition, maybe a new KotOR under BioWare and EA wouldn’t be what I want after all.

Nevertheless, I’d love to see a new KotOR game as good the first (or second). It’s still a pipe dream for now, but it doesn’t feel impossible. The series could be made part of the new canon, or it could be a reboot that doesn’t follow the first two.

What do you think? Would a new Knights of the Old Republic game live up to the standards of the original two? Will it ever be announced? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

May 052017

Yesterday was Star Wars Day (one of the more well-known of our unusual holidays), and apparently today is National Space Day.

What better time to discuss new Star Wars games we want to see, especially with E3 just over a month away?

Republic Commando 2

Star Wars: Republic Commando was one of the first shooters I ever played, and it stands out in my memory mainly because of the humorous dynamic between the four main characters.

It almost got a sequel. In fact, two sequel ideas were debated. One, Imperial Commando, would have followed a group of the Empire’s elite troops. The other, Rebel Commando, would have followed Sev after the events of Republic Commando.

Unfortunately, it was cancelled.

I’d love to see a new Republic Commando game, especially one following the Rebel Commando concept. Last year’s rumors of a sequel turned out to be false, but trailers for the new Battlefront game just reminded me how much I want to see this series return.

Knights of the Old Republic 3

I almost made my Star Wars/Space Day post about Knights of the Old Republic, until I realized I wrote about it last year. That’s because I love that game so much.

When I first played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, it blew my mind. Star Wars and a fantastic RPG? With an excellent story and great characters, too?

The sequel was also good, although rushed.

Like the Republic Commando rumors, plenty of Knights of the Old Republic 3 rumors have surfaced. Is it too much to hope one of them is true?

Knights of the Old Republic Reboot

If it’s too much to ask, then how about a Knights of the Old Republic remake or reboot to place it in Star Wars canon once again?

Phil Spencer wants more Knights of the Old Republic, too, so maybe this one could go somewhere.

All right, so my hopes for Star Wars games amounts to anything related to Republic Commando or Knights of the Old Republic, but I know there have been plenty of cancelled and rumored Star Wars games people want to see.

What Star Wars games do you most want to be announced?

May 042016

KotORHappy Star Wars Day!

As we celebrate May the 4th (one of many odd holidays we recognize), let’s take a look at one of the greatest Star Wars games ever: Knights of the Old Republic.

I got Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as part of a bundle of PC Star Wars games (including another favorite, Republic Commando), and it blew me away.

You create your own character and eventually become a Jedi in your quest to stop the sinister Darth Malak from overtaking the Republic.

It’s a choice-driven game, and while everything ultimately comes down to Light Side or Dark Side, many situations can be handled in multiple ways. I remember being particularly impressed with the number of options in the Korriban section, as you decide who to work with, fight, or betray.

Along the way, several companions join your quest. Some fit basic character archetypes, but a few stand out, most notably the hilarious (if you like dark humor) assassin droid HK-47.

It was the first RPG of its type I’d ever played, so when I later played Mass Effect and Dragon Age, what stood out to me at first was how similar they were to Knights of the Old Republic.

Combat is quite similar to that of Dragon Age: Origins. When you aren’t fighting, you’ll be exploring, talking to NPCs (and making dialogue choices), and having entertaining conversations with your party members. You can talk to any party member on your ship, the Ebon Hawk, and when you visit a planet, you can take two with you.

The plot takes you to several planets and is really quite enjoyable even outside of its place in the larger Star Wars story. In particular, Knights of the Old Republic has one of my favorite plot twists ever.

I never saw it coming. All of the clues were there, but when that moment came, it astounded and amazed me. The twist alone would make it worth a recommendation, and it’s a fantastic RPG aside from that.

Do you like Star Wars? Do you like choice-driven western RPGs like Dragon Age? Do you like great storytelling? Then you owe it to yourself to play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, especially since today is Star Wars Day.

Buy Knights of the Old Republic from Steam