Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Nov 012024

It’s that time of year again!

Celebrating All Things Spooky 2024 has come to an end, with a close race to the finish for this year’s contest. The winners are in the process of being notified, and that means it’s now time to talk about NaNoWriMo.

Or, in this case, what I’m calling Personal WriMo.

I’ve decided not to use the actual NaNoWriMo site this year, so instead I’ve set up a personal word count tracker right here on my site. You’ll be able to see my progress throughout the month by checking this post.

(I may put it in the header if I can get it to play nice with my Operation Backlog Completion progress bar. We shall see.)

Personal WriMo 2024

This year, I’ve decided to work on short stories throughout the month, so I technically won’t be writing a novel. However, the overall goal is still the same – 50,000 words to be written in the month of November. I’m especially hoping to get some new pulp fiction stories written.

Speaking of my stories, I mentioned at the start of October that I hoped to bring my Lovecraftian horror novella The Book at Dernier to additional retailers, and I’m happy to say I got that done. You can now buy the ebook copy at multiple places, including Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.

All right, that’s all I have to say about my writing for now… and don’t worry, we will definitely be talking about the exciting Xenoblade Chronicles X news on Monday!

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo or an equivalent event this month?

Nov 012023

November is here, which means our 2023 Celebrating All Things Spooky event is at an end and the contest winners are in the process of being notified. Thank you all for your participation.

It also means that NaNoWriMo has begun!

Yes, this is one of those rare posts where instead of covering video games, I talk about writing.

I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo, or the National Novel Writing Month, for years now. It’s a challenge in which writers try to finish a 50,000 word novel in November.

This year, my project is a fantasy romance novel I’ve had on my mind for quite a while. I got an early start at midnight to write the first 2,000 words, then followed up with another 3,000 words when I woke up. Off to a good start!

Since I’ve spent the past few years hitting the 50,000-word goal without it being in too much doubt (although the quality of the writing is another question, as sometimes I run out of ideas before I hit the mark and spend the rest of the words on scenes that will absolutely need to be cut from the finished story), I’m tempted to add an additional goal to work on short stories this November as well. But let’s see how the novel progresses, first.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

Nov 012022

Official National Novel Writing Month logo.

With the arrival of November, Celebrating All Things Spooky is at an end until next year… and NaNoWriMo has begun.

If you’re unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to write a 50,000-word novel in November.

As is my habit, I stayed up to get started at midnight. Right now, I have just over 5,000 words written of my new novel, so I’m off to a good start.

This year, I’m writing a comedy detective story about a man who decides to become a private detective in the belief that he’ll get simple cases, like finding a lost pet, only to get mixed up in a case far beyond what he ever prepared for.

The idea has been in my head for a while now, so I’m excited to finally start writing and see where it leads.

My writing also has faltered a bit this year, because I’ve been trying to edit a horror novel that just won’t cooperate., so it feels good to be working on a brand new novel again.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Let’s all give it our best and get some novels written!