Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jan 152018

First off, I want to apologize for my silence last week. I had some website issues and couldn’t log in all week long. A few things still aren’t quite right yet, so expect some changes in the weeks ahead.

The important thing is that the site is functioning again, and we’ve got some exciting news to discuss… like The World Ends With You: Final Remix for the Switch!

The original The World Ends With You for the DS is one of my favorite games. I love this game.

I’ve been waiting for a sequel since 2012, when Square Enix teased “New 7 Days” at the end of the mobile port. The World Ends With You 2 has been one of my pipe dreams for a while.

Well, it might not be a sequel, but The World Ends With You has not been forgotten. It’s coming to the Switch this year with HD graphics, new controls, and a new epilogue scenario.

New story content is the most interesting part, but I want to touch on the controls first. The original game has an unusual control scheme for combat, with one character on the bottom controlled through the touchscreen and another character on the top controlled through button inputs. The mobile port simplified this system for a single screen to make the top-screen character just another part to be controlled with the touchscreen.

Just from the brief glimpses of combat in the Switch trailer, it looks like both control schemes might be available. That’s a great idea, and I look forward to seeing how they make it work with only one screen.

Now, let’s talk about the “sizable new scenario” mentioned in the trailer.

The World Ends With You told a complete story, but its Secret Reports showed the potential for sequels and a larger universe. Will this new scenario touch upon those elements? I hope so. Either way, I’m excited for more TWEWY.

One of the most interesting parts of the trailer is that the girl shown at the end as part of this new scenario is the same girl from the original sequel tease back in 2012. Some fans have taken this to mean we’re getting this instead of a new game, but I hope Square Enix is using this to test the waters (and prepare a new audience) for an eventual sequel.

Overall, I’m pretty excited, and I’ll definitely buy the Final Remix.

In unrelated news, remember Detective Pikachu, the odd 3DS spin-off I was hoping would be localized? Apparently that was only part of the Detective Pikachu story. Now a new game, which includes both the original and new story content, is coming to the 3DS… and being localized!

It still seems crazy and weird… and yes, I want to play it.

Are you excited for The World Ends With You: Final Remix? What about Detective Pikachu? Let me know in the comments!

  6 Responses to “The World Ends With You is Coming to the Switch”

  1. Hope you can get it all sorted out okay. 🙂

    The World Ends With You seems interesting. A lot of people seemed to enjoy it a lot. I’d like to get the mobile port but apparently it’s not as good. The original is still expensive (for such an old game)..

  2. …Yeah I guess one of the missing site features is the ARCHIVE.

    • Yep. I’m not sure what happened.

      • Anywho, if you didn’t already have a Switch, would this have convinced you to get one?

        • Hmm, does this mean that the other games that convinced me to get a Switch wouldn’t exist? No Mario Odyssey? No Xenoblade?

          If this was the only game that interested me on the Switch, it probably wouldn’t be enough unless the story story content was really extensive. I mean, it’s largely a remake. I could play my DS copy right now if I wanted to.

          If there were several other games I was interested in as well, this would certainly make me more likely to get it.

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