Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Sep 112019

TGS 2019 is almost here, and that means video game news is coming out left and right.

This includes a new trailer for the Final Fantasy VII Remake.

(Since that seems to be the actual name they’re going with, maybe I should drop the “the” and start calling it Final Fantasy VII Remake, but it sounds odd to me.)

Final Fantasy VII Remake’s new trailer shows more of the Avalanche members, but it also gives us our first look at the Turks in the remake, featuring Reno, Rude, and Tseng. They all look great, although I’m personally disappointed that they didn’t cast Quinton Flynn as Reno again, breaking the tradition of Axel and Reno always having the same voice actor.

The trailer also shows Don Corneo, along with other hints that suggest the entire crossdressing section of the game is going to be intact.

One of the many concerns I’ve had about the Final Fantasy VII Remake is that they might make it too serious and lose the often-goofy tone the original had. After this trailer, I’m no longer worried about that. The squat mini-game made it in. It’s not going to take itself too seriously.

President Shinra also appears, talking to the team through a hologram rather than appearing in person.

We also see some summons, like Shiva, so it looks like they’ll be introducing that earlier so they can have it in this first game. Oh, and when Cloud gets turned into a frog, he still has a little tiny buster sword, which is adorable.

Aside from my disappointment over Reno, I liked this trailer a lot and it really helped convince me that they’re trying to capture the tone and soul of the original Final Fantasy VII, despite all the changes. I’m still not crazy about the combat system or having an entire game focused on Midgar, but I’m getting more and more excited for this game.

How do you feel about the Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer? What else are you hoping to see? Let me know in the comments.

  4 Responses to “Final Fantasy VII Remake TGS Trailer Shows the Turks and Don Corneo”

  1. I’m happy to see the Mini spell more than anything else. I hate how clean they made everything look. FF7 had a lot more dirty textures.

  2. […] next screenshots show President Shinra, whom we previously saw as a hologram projection in one of the trailers, and Heidegger. (I thought this was the first time they showed Heidegger in the remake, but he […]

  3. […] between the TGS trailer we discussed last week and the revelation of Classic Mode, I’m really starting to feel excited for the Final Fantasy […]

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