Yarr, today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties, so why not talk about our favorite air pirates?
(I hoped I might have a short pirate-themed game to review, but I couldn’t find one in time.)
Over two years have passed since a Skies of Arcadia programmer said he hoped renewed attention toward Skies of Arcadia could lead Sega to make a sequel. Nothing has happened since then.
Meanwhile, a few months ago, Sega’s financial report mentioned that they intended to release more remasters and remakes. We’ve seen some of that already, with the Persona remasters and the newly-announced Like a Dragon Ishin remake. Could Skies of Arcadia have a chance of being included?
Currently, the only way to play Skies of Arcadia is to either get the original Dreamcast game or the improved GameCube port, Skies of Arcadia Legends. Neither of those is exactly easy to do nowadays.
I loved Skies of Arcadia, and I want it to get the attention it deserves. I’d also love to see its characters return for a new adventure.
So on this International Talk Like a Pirate Day, let’s show a little love for the pirates of Skies of Arcadia and hope that next year at this time, we’ll have Skies of Arcadia news to celebrate.