Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Aug 252014

Last time we visited the strange world of Tomodachi Life, we witnessed many strange activities, including the romance of Albert Wesker and Franziska von Karma, encouraged in part because the benevolent island overseer known as Sam’s lookalike favors that crack pairing.

Tomodachi Life Wesker and Franziska

Since then, she has continued to interfere with her islanders’ lives. As Miis continued to pair off, she became determined to see Simon Blackquill and Juniper Woods together. All Miis beware, we have a Blackwoods shipper on deck.

While she discouraged romantic thoughts toward those two from any other Miis, island life continued as usual. Desmond Sycamore found a new love. Fulbright was attacked by crows. Little Hunter Edgeworth grew up and left the island to travel the world.

Traveler leaving Tomodachi Life

Miis made new friends, discovered new activities, and tried new foods… not always with the best of results.

There were more strange dreams, bizarre news stories, weddings, and shared hobbies. And as Miis leveled up, more of them received video game consoles as gifts, which brought an increased love of Nintendo to the little island.

Apollo loves his 3DS

Everyone loves the 3DS!

Miis play Wii U

Everyone loves the Wii U!

In fact, Sam’s lookalike hit upon a great idea, once she realized Simon liked the Wii U. She gave Juniper a Wii U, in the hopes that it would bring them together. Juniper loved it.

Juniper Woods plays Wii U

Next door, Simon sat alone.

Simon Blackquill all alone

Meanwhile, Juniper and her friends really loved the Wii U!

And so, the Wii U party continued, without Simon, for a long, long time. Time passed, and Sam’s lookalike checked in again.

Miis playing Wii U in Tomodachi Life

Sam’s lookalike had a lot of time with nothing to do but try to drive her Miis together, so she visited some others. All were engaged in their own unique activities, while Simon sat alone in his apartment. For example, vampire hero Barnabas Collins put on a strange outfit and took up the guitar.

Barnabas Collins Tomodachi Life

Well, to each his own. He’s Simon’s best friend, you’d think he’d set down the guitar and tell him about Juniper’s Wii U. Speaking of which, how is she doing?

Juniper plays Wii U alone

Playing alone? Really, Juniper? Wouldn’t you like someone else to join you?

More Miis enjoy the Wii U

And Simon sat alone in his apartment.

Then… just as Sam’s lookalike was about to give up… it happened. Maya Fey decided her good friend Simon needed a sweetheart.

"How about setting him up with Juniper?"
Matchmaking Simon and Juniper
Simon and Juniper date
Simon and Juniper become sweethearts

All right! And so, after all the troubles, it was a happy ending for Simon and Juniper after all. The overall happiness of the island increases, Sam’s lookalike is satisfied, and–best of all?–the Miis have been filled with a strong love for all things Nintendo.

So let’s just see what…

Um…. Guys? I think you might be taking this a little too far.

All hail the NES!

Well, that was… strange. Ah well, let’s just move on. Life continues, after all. What will be the next big romantic drama of Tomodachi Life?


Wait, WHAT??

If the insanity presented in this article appeals to you, the author, sometimes known as Sam’s lookalike, suggests you read her previous Tomodachi Life article and consider buying the game. If you already own Tomodachi Life, what strange adventures have your Miis had?

Buy Tomodachi Life from Amazon
Buy Tomodachi Life from Play-Asia

Aug 112014

Once upon a time, there was a Mii named Albert Wesker. He moved into an apartment building on a wonderful little island run by a lookalike of the island’s first inhabitant, Sam. Wesker wore a pink lab coat because the white ones hadn’t shown up in the store yet, made friends, and spent his free time singing about the Umbrella Corporation at the island Concert Hall.

Wesker made a lot of friends, although none was as close as his best friend, Professor Hershel Layton.

He and Layton hung out often, but they had many other friends as well. All of the islanders accepted Wesker. If someone needed help, he was there! His heroics even made it onto Mii News, right up there with announcements about avocado makers and baked bean thefts.

Of course, it wasn’t all fun and games. Sometimes he and his friends disagreed. Sometimes they even fought. He and Juniper Woods once screamed and threw things at each other until Sam’s lookalike stopped laughing and intervened.


One day, however, Wesker couldn’t concentrate on anything. All he could think about was Franziska von Karma. He was in love.

Distraught, he asked Sam’s lookalike if he should confess his feelings. She knew her friend’s Mii was already involved with Franziska, but since she was a secret Franzesker shipper, she told him to go ahead.

Poor Wesker was rejected.

He was so sad. He drooped in his apartment, a storm cloud formed over his head, and he lamented his unrequited love without end. Fortunately, Sam’s lookalike knew his Super All-Time Favorite Food. One stick of chewing gum later, Wesker felt a lot better.

Several days later, he fell in love with Josette DuPres. Josette, however, was in love with Apollo Justice.

Sam’s lookalike had pity on Wesker and told him about the happy couple before he tried to break them up. She hoped this would spare him the pain of rejection.

And so, time passed. Wesker didn’t pursue Franziska or Josette. He didn’t dare to hope Apollo was doomed by Josette’s canon. He didn’t fall in love again.

Life on the island continued in its typical absolutely-sane fashion. There were weddings, monster sightings, creepy invitations to meet anonymous people on the roof, concerts, and so much more. Wesker’s best friend, Layton, fell in love with Maya Fey.

Meanwhile, Professor Desmond Sycamore also learned the meaning of rejection.

At a glance, it might look as though every Mii was falling in love, but while some preferred to enjoy quiet dates alone as a couple, other Miis just got together at a friend’s house to dance around for hours!

And Wesker was alone.

He didn’t even notice when his first love left her relationship.

Someone noticed, though.

A gentleman never leaves his friends to wallow in heartbreak! Professor Layton asked Sam’s lookalike if she agreed Wesker and Franziska would be a good match, and together, they set them up on a date. Layton put on a disguise and spied on their fun-filled day together, and thus he witnessed a happy conclusion to Wesker’s tale of woe.

Wesker’s story covers just some of the wacky events that have happened to me in Tomodachi Life. Tomodachi Life isn’t my typical sort of game. Even the wildly popular Animal Crossing series doesn’t appeal to me. I’ve had Tomodachi Life for a little over a month now, with a playtime of about 26 hours. It’s the sort of game you play in short spurts.

At this point, I don’t feel as compelled to play it. In the beginning, I could barely think about anything but Tomodachi Life. Now I just check in every now and then to see what adorably weird things my Miis will do.

Like most players, I was introduced to the game when Nintendo announced it through a special Nintendo Direct that made me wonder if the creators were on drugs.

Whatever was behind its creation, it was awesome. That video is the main thing that made me want this game. It convinced me to branch out into a genre I normally disliked for the sheer insanity of Tomodachi Life. And I don’t regret my decision one little bit.

There isn’t really a lot to do in the game. You’ll mainly spend your time taking care of your Miis–you’ll buy them food, clothes, and new apartment interiors… you’ll play little mini-games with them… you’ll help them out when they’re sad, sick, or just troubled… At different times during the day, you can buy things from special markets, participate in events, or play a simplistic, retro-style RPG called Tomodachi Quest.

Then there are dreams. Mii dreams are even stranger than actual dreams, and they give you items.

A lot of the entertainment comes from just watching your Miis and listening to the crazy stuff they say. Of course, part of the appeal is watching them (whether they’re based on people you know or on fictional characters, like most of mine) do things completely out of character, like when Wesker and Layton became best friends. At the same time, since you set their personalities when you create them, there are times when a Mii does something so in character, it’s startling. Franziska worries she’s too cold but decides not to do anything about it. Professor Detective Bobby Fulbright… is just Fulbright…

I’ve since gotten him a white suit.

Since you can give them custom phrases to use, it gets even weirder. Layton randomly declares, “Look, a puzzle.” I’ll pass Apollo’s apartment and hear a distant, “I’M FINE!” I’ll stop in at Prosecutor Blackquill’s apartment and be greeted as Sam-dono, or receive an “Objection!” from Phoenix Wright. It never ceases to make me smile. And there’s just something sweet about Miis expressing their relief that I’m all right when I haven’t played for a while.

It may not be a game for everyone, but if you’re interested in the humorous antics of an island full of Miis and a game you can pick up for a few minutes here and there, I definitely recommend Tomodachi Life. Let me just leave you with one last image from my island–an Ace Attorney group shot!

To enjoy more Tomodachi Life madness, check out my second article about it.

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